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Name and Title of the Act Right to Information Act, 2005.

Followings are the major component of the Right to Information Act:

  • Inspection of work, documents and records.
  • Collecting notes, extracts or certified copies of documents or records.
  • Collecting certified samples of material Obtaining information in the form of diskettes, floppies, tapes, video cassettes or in any other electronic mode or through printouts where such information is stored in a computer or in any other device subject to relevant provisions in this regard.
Objective of the RTI Act To provide available information as enshrined in RTI Act to the Indian citizens on the payment of prescribed fees.
Users Citizens of India

Suo Moto disclosure under Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005.


Name & Address of the Organisation

Indian Institute of Petroleum & Energy(IIPE);

Present Address:

2nd Floor, Main Building,
Andhra University of College of Engineering
Visakhapatnam – 530003


Head of the Organisation



Objective/ purpose of the Institute

(i) Nurture and promote quality and excellence in education and research in the area of petroleum and hydrocarbons and energy;
(ii) Provide for programmes and courses of instruction and research leading to the award of the Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral degrees in engineering and technology, management, sciences and arts in the area of petroleum and hydrocarbons and energy;


Mission / Vision Statement

(i) To create and disseminate knowledge that facilitates progress and excellence in the field of Energy Sector.
(ii) To play a pivotal role for the progress of the Petroleum & Energy Sector in India by bridging the demand supply gap of skilled manpower.
(iii) To be Energy University that is ranked among top 200 universities of the world within 20 years of setup.


Organisation Chart

Organisation Chart


Brief history of the Institute and context of its formation

Indian Institute of Petroleum & Energy (IIPE) is established by the Government of India under aegis of the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, in the year 2016 at Visakhapatnam as per the provisions made in the Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act, 2014. Initially, the institute was registered under the Andhra Pradesh Societies Registration Act, 2001 and subsequently, the Indian Institute of Petroleum and Energy (IIPE) bill 2017 was enacted by the Parliament. A Gazette Notification to this effect was published on 08th January, 2018. The Indian Institute of Petroleum and Energy Act, 2017 (No. 3 of 2018) declares IIPE is an “Institute of National Importance”.


Duties of the Institute/ Main activities/functions of the Institute
[Section 4(1)(b)(i)]

(i) Teaching at UG & PG levels (Please see the details of programs on the website).
(ii) To conduct state-of-the-art research in the fields of Petroleum & Energy
(iii) To undertake sponsored research and consultancy
(iv) To cater to continuing education program of the Government of India.
(v) To organize conferences, seminars and short- term courses.


Powers and Duties of Officers and Employees
[Section 4(1) (b)(ii)]

The Director is the Principal Academic and Executive Officer of the Institute. The Director shall be responsible for the proper administration of the Institute and for the imparting of the instruction and maintenance of discipline therein. The Director has the power to incur expenditure in accordance with the procedure as may be laid by the Board from time to time. The Director has the power to fix the recommendations of the Selection Committee, initial pay of an incumbent at a stage higher than minimum of scale but not involving more than 5 increments in respect of post of which appointment can be made. For more details please refer to IIPE Statute.The Registrar shall assist the Director in administrative work and is the custodian of records, funds of Institute and such other properties of the Institute.Other officers and staff of the Institute assume powers, responsibilities and duties as assigned to them from time to time by the Director.


Procedure followed in decision making process
[Section 4(1) (b)(iii)]

The Institute has a Director, five Deans, Heads of the Departments and a Registrar who carry out the various functions of the Institute as per procedures laid down in the Statues of the Institute. The decision is communicated to public by notices, announcements, website and advertisements. The final authority to vet the final decision is the Director / Board of Governors / General Council / Visitor of the Institute. The Institute takes decision regarding students’ affairs, staff affairs, facilities of the Institute and its infrastructure.


Norms for discharge of functions
[Section 4(1)(b)(iv)]

Norms and standards for various academic programs of the Institute are set by the Senate, which also monitors progress and achievements of students undertaking various academic programs.


Rules, regulations, instructions manual and records for discharging functions
[Section 4(1)(b)(v)]

Indian Institute of Petroleum & Energy Act, 2017
Regulations for all courses (UG/PG/Research)
Fundamental Rules
Supplementary Rules
General Financial rules


Categories of documents held by the authority under its control
[Section 4(1)(b) (vi)]

First Statutes of IIPE
First Ordinance of IIPE


Boards, Councils, Committees and other Bodies constituted as part of the Public Authority
[Section 4(1)(b)(viii)]

The General Council
The Board of Governors
The Academic Senate
The Finance Committee
Building & Works Committee
The Institute constitutes additional committees and sub-committees as and when necessary with the approval of the Director / Board of Governors


Directory of officers and employees
[Section 4(1) (b) (ix)]

Directory of officers and employees


Monthly Remuneration received by officers & employees including system of compensation
[Section 4(1) (b) (x)]

As per provisions of VII CPC

Subsidy Programmes
[Section 4(1) (b) (xii)]

The under-mentioned subsidies are provided to the students:
(i) Full tuition fee waiver for SC / ST students.
(ii) Full Tuition Fee Waiver for GEN/OBC/EWS students having Annual Family Income less than Rs. 1 Lakh.
(iii) 2/3 Tuition Fee waiver for GE/OB/EWS students having Annual Family income between Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 5 Lakhs.

Concessions availed by the Institute
[Section 4(1) (b) (xiii)]

Customs Duty exemption (in terms of Notification No. 51/96-Customs dt.23.07.1996)

Information available in Electronic form
[Section 4(1) (b) (xiv)]

All relevant information about Institute activities are made available on IIPE website at

Means, methods and facilities available to citizens for obtaining information.
[Section 4(1) (b) (xv)]

Citizens can obtain information by notice boards, post, email, website, advertisements, press releases, telephone, etc. Information also available on IIPE Website

Name, designation and other particulars of public information officers
[Section 4(1) (b) (xvi)]

Appellate Authority:

Shri Ram Phal Dwivedi
Tele: 0891-2856010


Mr. K. Ramakrishna
Office Superintendent
Tele: 0891-2856012

Programmes to advance understanding of RTI (Section 26)

RTI guidelines

Frequently Asked Questions

Information often required by students, staff and citizens are available on the website of the Institute:


Recruitment & Promotion Policy for Non-teaching Staff