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Student Wellness Center

Student Wellness Center

The Counselling centre of IIPE aims to provide one-on-one confidential counselling services to its students. It is known that the transition from adolescence to adulthood is often beset with challenges in multiple areas and hence students may benefit from exploring their issues and identity in a non-judgemental environment where they feel safe and heard. Since 2017, there has been a steady decline in stigma, with more students coming to the understanding that “It is not a sign of weakness, rather an act of courage” to seek help. The centre wishes and hopes that there is more progress in the coming time in terms of activities and services extended and continually strives to aid students’ holistic development. 



The following are some issues that students commonly face:

  • .Adjustment issues: adjustment to new phase of life, college, hostel and city
  • .Cultural/regional differences
  • .Homesickness
  • .Feeling of “not fitting in”
  • .Disillusionment with their life
  • .Feelings of sadness and lack of purpose
  • .Problems coping with academics
  • .Poor performance in examinations (low grades or failure)
  • .Decline in grades over semesters
  • .Absenteeism
  • .Time-management
  • .Adopting suitable study skills
  • .Lack of appropriate communication/social skills
  • .Inability to focus/low motivation/disinterest in course
  • .Peer-pressure
  • .Addictions
  • .Exam Anxiety/stage fright
  • .General anxiety/phobias
  • .Fear of failure
  • .Anger outbursts
  • .Relationship issues
  • .Stress and feeling overwhelmed
  • .Confusion about future/career alternatives


Counselling sessions strive to deal with all of the above problems subject to factors like the nature of the problem, the effort and intention of students to work on the issue at hand.  If at any time it is felt that psychiatric evaluation is required, the student is promptly referred to the concerned specialist. The counsellor also interacts with parents in some cases, to ensure that they are aligned in order to support the intervention being provided.

Dr.Manasa Mallavarapu, Counsellor IIPE has been handling the counselling centre since October 2017. She holds a PhD in Psychology and a diploma in child psychology from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.She comes with an experience of 3.5 years in counselling clients of different age groups, has undergone certifications and attended workshops in counselling techniques and forms of therapy such as the applications of RECBT.

She teaches a two credit compulsory 5th semester course "Industrial psychology and professional ethics".