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Student Placement Policy (2023-24)

The Career Development Cell (CDC), IIPE, Visakhapatnam welcomes all eligible students to take active part in the Placement Process for the Season 2024-25. The placement policy is applicable to all students registered for the season 2024-25 Campus Placements of IIPE, Visakhapatnam and is to be followed during the entire duration of the placement season.

Eligibility & Registration

1. All full time registered final year students of IIPE Visakhapatnam are eligible to participate in the recruitment process for placements through the CDC.
2. All students eligible for on-campus jobs have to register themselves with CDC by submitting their CV in standard IIPE format along with the signed copy of Student Placement Policy.

Master CV and Verification

1. The eligible students are required to submit their Master CV along with their photograph and necessary supporting documents/certificates to CDC.
2. The students are advised NOT to add any ambiguous/wrong/fraudulent/misleading information in his/her resume. Resume checks will continue throughout the placement process. If, on verification, any discrepancies are found, the student would be de-barred from placements. This may also attract strict disciplinary action.

Application Rules

1. All applications to the companies are to be made only through the Career Development Cell, IIPE Visakhapatnam. If a student does not apply through CDC for a particular company, he/she will not be allowed to participate in the selection process of that company in on-campus recruitment.

2. All students are advised to check the profile and background thoroughly of each company before applying. CDC would NOT be liable for any default from the company's end at any stage later. Once you apply to a company all rules as per student policy will apply.

Rules of Withdrawing an Application

1. The student may withdraw his/her application from a company on campus subject to the following rules and regulations:

2. The student can withdraw his/her application to a company ONLY if the last date of application to that particular company is NOT over. There can be no withdrawals done after this date.

3. After the last date of application all rules and regulations (including absenteeism penalty) mentioned in the section “Absenteeism rules and policy” will be applicable.

Selection Process

CDC follows the policy of single candidate single job irrespective of company status (private / PSU / Government / Education sector etc.) or the CTC offered. However if a student gets placed in a company offering a CTC less than Rs. 8 LPA, then he/she may be allowed to participate in further on-campus recruitment drives at IIPE.

Acceptance of Offers

Selected students would get the message on their institute email id. After this stage the student would be required to accept the offer by sending mail to CDC within 24 hours of declaration of the result. In case the offer is not accepted within 24 hours, it will be deemed that the student is not interested and same would get communicated to the company by CDC Cell. Whether one accepts or does not, one would not be allowed to participate further. It is advised that the students accept the offer immediately.

1. Institute is NOT responsible for delay in getting the offer letter by selected students.

2. Institute is also NOT responsible for any selected student getting less package than mentioned in notification/PPT/Offer Letter. However, such companies will be blacklisted by the institute.

Student Conduct and Disciplinary Policy

1. Students are expected to behave with the companies in a courteous manner and should not argue with the recruiters and maintain decorum even under provocation.

2. No discussion with the recruiters regarding selections/selection process should be done.

3. If there are any behavioral problems from the recruiter’s side that students face, kindly inform the CDC Office immediately. Do NOT react from your end.

4. If there are any behavioral problems reported by recruiter against any student, appropriate disciplinary action will be initiated.

Absenteeism rules and policy

1. For absenteeism without Leave Application Form (LAF) in any test, interview or any selection process which an applicant has to attend as part of a company’s recruiting procedure, he/she would be debarred from on campus placement.

2. In case of emergency, fill in the Leave Application form within working hours before the activity. Students need to submit LAF in the CDC office himself/herself or send a representative on your behalf with his/her undertaking on the form. You can also drop a mail with the filled LAF on atleast 4 hours prior to the start of the activity. Relevant proof needs to be attached with LAF for missing the event which includes:

  Medical certificate for medical reasons

  If a class is scheduled at the activity time (if any), a letter showing that you are a part of that course forwarded by   your class teacher will be required.

  Other relevant proofs as per the reason.

3. Students appearing for any tests/GD/presentation should be present atleast 30 minutes prior to the start of process. Any entry to the gate after scheduled time would not be allowed. The candidate thus would be considered absent for that particular process.

4. No cell phones are allowed in a test. The process holds the same sanctity as any of the IIPE end/mid semester exams and the candidate will be debarred if found violating it.

5. Impersonation in tests or any kind of malpractice is a serious offence. Seating in tests will be pre-defined by CDC/company, any violation will be considered as malpractice and the student is liable to be deregistered immediately and also will be referred to the concerned authorities for disciplinary action.

6. Details of companies coming on-campus for recruitment will be informed to students through official email after confirmation. Students should NOT contact to any of these companies at personal level. Companies would notify CDC whenever they receive any such activity from any of IIPE students. In all such cases suitable action as per the institute rules would be would be initiated apart from the candidates being deregistered.

7. Students are NOT allowed to appear in final selection process (test/GD/interview etc) of companies if they have not applied through the CDC system or have not been shortlisted in those companies. Students must refrain from contacting personnel of such companies when they are on-campus. Violation of this will attract deregistration and suitable disciplinary action. In case of any relaxation if the company accepts, the candidate may be allowed only with prior approval of CDC.

General Advice

General Advice (for online recruitment process) 

  • .In case of online exams and interview processes, students are advised to have the emergency contact numbers of the recruitment team. The same will be shared to you by your CDC Professor In charge who is handling that particular recruitment process. 
  • .Make sure you have proper network connectivity, a decent background, a good quality microphone and webcam as suggested by the recruitment team. 
  • .Students must be ready even at short notices for interviews. Be ready and check all online arrangements from your side 30 mins prior to the start of any activity. 
  • .Students must carry their ID-cards at all times during interviews & screening tests. No one would be allowed to enter the test/interview venue without the ID-card.
  • .The date/time/venue of the interviews will be subject to changes which, at times, may be at a short notice. Students must keep themselves well informed by visiting the Career Development Cell/ their institute email id/ Notice board.
  • .Be seated 30 minutes prior to the start of any activity to avoid delays.
  • .Students must carry a complete file with a few copies of the resume, original certificates (if possible) and copies thereof while appearing for the interviews.
  • .At the time of appearing for interviews, students MUST carry copies of the CDC approved resume only.
  • .Discrepancies in resumes are not appreciated by companies and may become a cause for rejection. Therefore students are advised to carry CDC verified resume only.
  • .Please be aware that some companies may use the attendance of candidate for shortlisting purposes if they so wish.
  • .Career Development Cell (CDC) is not liable for any visa related issues.
  • .No mobile phones are allowed in the interview area. Kindly refrain from carrying any such into interview venues.
Dress Code
  • Only formal. No T-shirt, jeans or any other fancy dress will be allowed.
  • Flip flops (Bathroom/Rubber), slippers, Crocs types of footwear are NOT permitted.
Contact Us

Career Development Cell (Room No-309)

Indian Institute of Petroleum & Energy

Visakhapatnam- 530003

Phone: +91- 8143799008


Note: The policy may be subjected to change at a later stage at the discretion of the Career Development Cell (CDC, IIPE. The Changes made, if any, at a later stage will be notified to all concerned.

CDC is facilitator only and will NOT be responsible for any job opportunity.