IIPE A - Z Journals list

e-Journals Alphabetical Order

e-Journals Data

Publication Title Title Url
C&EN Global Enterprise Click here for link
Chemical Research in Toxicology Click here for link
Chemical Reviews Click here for link
Chemistry of Materials Click here for link
Crystal Growth & Design Click here for link
Corrosion Click here for link
Catalysis Science & Technology Click here for link
Chemical Communications (London) Click here for link
Chemical Communications (Cambridge) Click here for link
Chemical Science (became an Open Access 'OA' journal from 2015) Click here for link
Chemical Society Reviews Click here for link
Chemistry Education Research and Practice Click here for link
Contemporary Organic Synthesis Click here for link
CrystEngComm Click here for link
Catalysts and Catalysed Reactions (online only from 2013) - access included as part of 2015 new database 'Synthetic Reaction Updates' Click here for link
Chemical Hazards in Industry Click here for link
Chemistry World (from the last quarter of 2016 onwards magazine became a database product) Click here for link