
ACS Journals

S. No
Full Journal Name
First Issue Year
Last Issue Year
Journal URL
1 achre4 Accounts of Chemical Research 1968 1996 Link
2 amrcda Accounts of Materials Research (New in 2021) 2020 2020 Link
3 aastgj ACS Agricultural Science & Technology (New in 2021) 2021 2021 Link
4 aabmcb ACS Applied Bio Materials 2018 2018 Link
5 aaembp ACS Applied Electronic Materials 2019 2019 Link
6 aaemcq ACS Applied Energy Materials 2018 2018 Link
7 aamick ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2009 2009 Link
8 aanmf6 ACS Applied Nano Materials 2018 2018 Link
9 aapmcd ACS Applied Polymer Materials 2019 2019 Link
10 abmcb8 ACS Bio & Med Chem Au (New in 2021) 2021 2021 Link
11 abseba ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 2015 2015 Link
12 accacs ACS Catalysis 2011 2011 Link
13 acscii ACS Central Science 2015 2015 Link
14 acbcct ACS Chemical Biology 2006 2006 Link
15 achsc5 ACS Chemical Health & Safety 1994 1994 Link
16 acncdm ACS Chemical Neuroscience 2010 2010 Link
17 acsccc ACS Combinatorial Science 1999 1999 Link
18 aesccq ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 2017 2017 Link
19 aelccp ACS Energy Letters 2016 2016 Link
20 aeacb3 ACS Engineering Au (New in 2021) 2021 2021 Link
21 aeacc4 ACS Environmental Au (New in 2021) 2021 2021 Link
22 aeecco ACS ES&T Engineering (New in 2021) 2021 2021 Link
23 aewcaa ACS ES&T Water (New in 2021) 2021 2021 Link
24 afsthl ACS Food Science & Technology (New in 2021) 2021 2021 Link
25 aidcbc ACS Infectious Diseases 2015 2015 Link
26 amlccd ACS Macro Letters 2012 2012 Link
27 amacgu ACS Materials Au (New in 2021) 2021 2021 Link
31 ancac3 ACS Nano 2007 2007 Link
32 anaccx ACS Nanoscience Au (New in 2021) 2021 2021 Link
33 acsodf ACS Omega 2016 2016 Link
34 aoiab5 ACS Organic & Inorganic Au (New in 2021) 2021 2021 Link
35 aptsfn ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science 2018 2018 Link
36 apchd5 ACS Photonics 2014 2014 Link
37 apcach ACS Physical Chemistry Au (New in 2021) 2021 2021 Link
38 apaccd ACS Polymers Au (New in 2021) 2021 2021 Link
39 ascefj ACS Sensors 2016 2016 Link
40 ascecg ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2013 2013 Link
41 asbcd6 ACS Synthetic Biology 2012 2012 Link
31 ancac3 ACS Nano 2007 2007 Link
32 anaccx ACS Nanoscience Au (New in 2021) 2021 2021 Link
33 acsodf ACS Omega 2016 2016 Link
34 aoiab5 ACS Organic & Inorganic Au (New in 2021) 2021 2021 Link
35 aptsfn ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science 2018 2018 Link
36 apchd5 ACS Photonics 2014 2014 Link
37 apcach ACS Physical Chemistry Au (New in 2021) 2021 2021 Link
38 apaccd ACS Polymers Au (New in 2021) 2021 2021 Link
39 ascefj ACS Sensors 2016 2016 Link
40 ascecg ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2013 2013 Link
41 asbcd6 ACS Synthetic Biology 2012 2012 Link
42 ancham Analytical Chemistry 1929 1996 Link
43 bichaw Biochemistry 1962 1996 Link
44 bcches Bioconjugate Chemistry 1990 1996 Link
45 bomaf6 Biomacromolecules 2000 2000 Link
46 cgeabj C&EN Global Enterprise2 1923 2016 Link
47 crtoec Chemical Research in Toxicology 1988 1996 Link
48 chreay Chemical Reviews 1925 1996 Link
49 cmatex Chemistry of Materials 1989 1996 Link
50 cgdefu Crystal Growth & Design 2001 2001 Link
51 enfuem Energy & Fuels 1987 1996 Link
52 esthag Environmental Science & Technology 1967 1996 Link
53 estlcu Environmental Science & Technology Letters 2014 2014 Link
54 iecred Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 1909 1996 Link
55 inocaj Inorganic Chemistry 1962 1996 Link
56 jaaucr JACS Au (New in 2021)1 2021 2021 Link
57 jafcau Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 1953 1996 Link
58 jceaax Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 1956 1996 Link
59 jceda8 Journal of Chemical Education 1924 1924 Link
60 jcisd8 Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 1961 1996 Link
61 jctcce Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2005 2005 Link
62 jmcmar Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 1959 1996 Link
63 jnprdf Journal of Natural Products 1979 1996 Link
64 jprobs Journal of Proteome Research 2002 2002 Link
65 jacsat Journal of the American Chemical Society 1879 1996 Link
66 jamsef Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 1990 1990 Link
67 langd5 Langmuir 1985 1996 Link
68 mamobx Macromolecules 1968 1996 Link
69 mpohbp Molecular Pharmaceutics 2004 2004 Link
70 nalefd Nano Letters 2001 2001 Link
71 orlef7 Organic Letters 1999 1999 Link
72 oprdfk Organic Process Research & Development 1997 1997 Link
73 orgnd7 Organometallics 1982 1996 Link
74 joceah The Journal of Organic Chemistry 1936 1996 Link
75 jpcafh The Journal of Physical Chemistry A3 1896 1996 Link
76 jpcbfk The Journal of Physical Chemistry B3 1896 1996 Link
77 jpccck The Journal of Physical Chemistry C3 1896 1996 Link
78 jpclcd The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2010 2010 Link