Library User Precept


Dr. S. R. Ranganathan library membership is open to all faculty members, research scholars, students and staff members of IIPE Visakhapatnam. Library membership can be obtained by filling out the "Library membership Form" available in the Library or filling out the online form available on the Institute website on the library page. Library membership request from click here

2. Book Borrowing Privileges

User CategoryBooks EntitledLOAN PERIOD
Faculty8 Books1 Semester
Research & Scholars3 Books1 Month
UG & PG Students3 Books10 days
Officers5 Books3 Month
Staff5 Books2 Month

3. Fine on Overdue

Institute library collects overdue charges from the users if issued books are not returned within due date the following fine(s) are levied:

Loan PeriodNo. of DaysFine leviedAmount to be paidCumulated amount
1-10 days10Rs 1 per day1010
11-20 days10Rs 2 per day1010
21-30/31 days10/11 daysRs 5 per day50/5580/85
30/31 – 45 days15 daysRs. 500 (slab)500580/585
45-60 days15 daysRs. 500 (slab)5001080/1085

After the completion of 60 working days, the defaulters' names shall be sent to the stop-issue file, and they have to pay double the book's cost as a fine. No book(s) shall be issued until all the dues are cleared. If any book is lost, the same is to be reported to the Librarian in writing, and the concerned user has to replace the book (same title, author, publisher) with a new one. No old or second-hand book(s) will be accepted in place of a lost book(s).


Users are expected to sign the register at the entrance gate under the respective category for the purpose of library statistics and also as an assurance from the members that they will use the library under the rules and ethics prescribed to them mainly to:

  • Dr. S. R. Ranganathan Library is a place of individual study and research; members should maintain an atmosphere of dignity, peace and silence within the library premises.
  • No discussion is permitted inside the library..
  • Display your identity/library card when requested by the Library officials.
  • Ensuring that your personal books are not taken inside the library.
  • Institute Id/Library card is mandatory for any kind of transactions.
  • Outwears, handbags, files, umbrellas and similar items should be deposited at the checkpoint/ property counter before entering the Library. .
  • The use of mobile phones inside the library is strictly prohibited. No refreshments or foodstuff of any kind shall be consumed anywhere inside the library.
  • Members should return all materials borrowed from the library before proceeding on any kind of long leave.
  • Users are advised to check the book before borrowing, don't borrow a defective book.
  • The last borrower shall be held responsible for damage or defacing of the book.
  • Members should not sub-lend the materials borrowed from the Library.

Online Late fee Collection

  • Institute library does not collect late fee in cash. User has to deposit the fee in Institute account using SBI Collect [link] User Guide to SBI Collect [link]

Renewal of Book

  • This facility provided to renew a book if it is not demanded by any other user. User may renew all issued books.

Book Reservation

  • Under this facility each member has a privilege to hold maximum three books at a time if the same is already issued by other member. Book can be reserve using MyAccount [OPAC]

No Dues/Library Clearance

  • Before going on vacation, issued books must be returned or reissued to avoid overdue charges. Library members leaving the Institute or going on long leave must return the books issued to them and surrender their membership cards to the library to avoid any overdue charges and obtain a "Clearance Certificate” from the Librarian.