Completed Research Projects

S.No File No.s Principal Investigator Project Titles IIPE Project No.s Funding Agency Status of Project Duration Amount (Rs.)
1 B-05 Dr. P Aparoy Development of 5-LOX specific scoring function and application of fragment-based free energy methods for the development of novel anti-cancer drug candidates IIPE/DORD/PROJECT/05 ICMR Completed 25-09-2019 to 31-03-2023 7,000,000.00
2 B-04 Dr. Venkata Reddy (Co-PI) A two-track approach to CPS Reconnaissance: causal-graphs and axiomatic design IIPE/DORD/PROJECT/04 NRF Completed 02-09-2019 to 01-09-2021 447,172.00
3 B-03 Prof. Shalivan (Co-PI) Crustal structure and Electrical LAB beneath Rajmahal Trap and Dalma Volcanics from magnetotelluric Investigations IIPE/DORD/PROJECT/03 MoES Completed 12-07-2018 to 11-07-2021 8,946,400.00
4 B-02 Dr. P Aparoy Development of 12-LOX specific scoring function and pharmacophore model: Design and biological evaluation of novel natural product-derived inhibitors IIPE/DORD/PROJECT/02 ICMR Completed 23-08-2018 to 31-12-2021 4,048,250.00
5 B-01 Dr. Chanchayya Gupta Chandaluri Block copolymer - DNA based template for conductivity Tunable Polyaniline Electronic Devices IIPE/DORD/PROJECT/01 NST (DST) Completed 07-08-2017 to 06-08-2023 1,267,038.00

DGH : Directorate General of Hydrocarbons
OIL : Oil India Limited
DBT : Department of Biotechnology
DST : Department of Science and Technology
NBHM : National Board for Higher Mathematics
MoES : Ministry of Earth Sciences
ICMR : Indian Council of Medical Research
BRNS : Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences
DST : Department of Science and Technology
NMDC : National Mineral Development Corporation
NBHM : National Board for Higher Mathematics