
About Us

The Department of Humanities & Sciences (H&S) at IIPE has started journey along with the department of Petroleum and Chemical Engineering in 2016 aiming to form bridge between fundamental and practical knowledge. The department plays a pivotal role in the academic curriculum offering both core and elective courses for the UG (B.Tech.) and Doctoral (Ph.D.) programme. The department has been actively involved in setting up an advanced research facility that house various sophisticated equipment and characterization tools for carrying out cutting-edge research. The research focuses of H&S are Electrocatalyst, Alternative Energy Materials, Device & Sensor fabrication, Bioinformatics-Structural biology, Sparse Representation Theory, Numerical Analysis etc. The department provides a scientific platform to the young engineer and research students to fulfil their research endeavour. The faculty fraternity acts as students’ mentor, guide and nurture them to understand the balance between Life-Technology-Society and Humanity.


  • Publication 1:
    Samala Rathan, Deepit Shah, T. Hemanth Kumar, K. Sandeep Charan. "Adaptive IQ and IMQ-RBFs for solving initial value problems: Adam-Bashforth and Adam-Moulton methods." International Journal of Computational Methods, Vol. 21 (3), 2350032, 2024.
  • Publication 2:
    Lavanya V Salian, Samala Rathan. "Exponential approximation space reconstruction weighted essentially nonoscillatory scheme for dispersive partial differential equations." Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, Vol. 47(4), 1823-1851, 2024.
  • Publication 3:
    Phulladweepa Patra, Sourav Laha*, Somnath Ghosh*. "Exfoliated Cobalt-Doped Manganese Oxide Nanosheets: An Efficient and Stable Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in an Alkaline Medium." ACS Appl. Energy Mater., 7, 3577−3589, 2024.
  • Publication 4:
    B. S. Shaik, Pradyumna Pradhan, W. Pu, R. Ramu Naidu, Miguel R. D. Rodrigues, and Yonina C. Eldar, ''Optimization guarantees of unfolded ISTA and ADMM networks with smooth soft thresholding, " IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 72, pp. 3272-3286, 2024.
  • Publication 5:
    Raghavendra Maddirala, Himangshu Kakati, Rohit Shukla, Rajat Jain, Somnath Ghosh, Deepak Amban Mishra, Ranjan Pramanik, Aditya Dhanraj, Premananda Dey, A.K. Dubey, Archana Sharma "Investigating the impact of pulsed plasma-based shockwave technology on the characteristics of Indian crude oil" Geoenergy Science and Engineering 2024, 233, 212531.
  • Publication 6:
    Gouri Sankar Das, Rajarshi Panigrahi, Somnath Ghosh, Kumud Malika Tripathi "Waste frying oil derived carbon nano-onions as a cost-effective cathode material for high-voltage zinc-ion hybrid supercapacitors" Materials Today Sustainability 2024, 25, 100656-100663.


  • Event 4:
    Advanced Training in Mathematic School: Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (December 16-27, 2024)
  • Event 3:
    INDO-POLISH Workshop on Electronic Structure Calculations and Visualization with Molecular Nodes - 2024
  • Event 2:
    Short course on Applications of Scalar Hyperbolic Conservation Laws ASHCL - 2024
  • Event 1:
    Energy Environment Summit Hydrogen Energy Resource & Opportunity HERO-2023