1. Patel, D., Tripathi, K.M. and Ravi Kumar Sonwani, R.K., 2024. Waste-Derived Carbon Nano-Onions for the Removal of Organic Dye from Wastewater and Phytotoxicity Studies. ACS omega. 9, p.30834-30845. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acsomega.4c03570
2. Jaiswal, V.K., Gupta, A.D., Ravi Kumar Sonwani, R.K., Giri, B.S. and Singh, R.S., 2024. Enhanced biodegradation of 2, 4-dichlorophenol in packed bed biofilm reactor by impregnation of polyurethane foam with Fe3O4 nanoparticles: Bio-kinetics, process optimization, performance evaluation and toxicity assessment. Bioresource Technology, 406, p.131085. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2024.131085
3. Sahoo, K., Kumar, A., Ravi Kumar Sonwani, R.K., Sonawane, S.H. and Chakraborty, J.P., 2024. A new insight into fixed-bed catalytic pyrolysis of sugarcane bagasse: optimization of process parameters and analysis of products. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, pp.1-22. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13399-024-05978-4
Previous Years
1. Tiwari Himanshu, Ravi Kumar Sonwani, and Ram Sharan Singh. "A comprehensive evaluation of the integrated photocatalytic-fixed bed bioreactor system for the treatment of Acid Blue 113 dye." Bioresource Technology 364 (2022): 128037.
2. Tiwari Himanshu, Ravi Kumar Sonwani, and Ram Sharan Singh. "Biodegradation and detoxification study of triphenylmethane dye (Brilliant Green) in a recirculating packed-bed bioreactor by bacterial consortium." Environmental Technology just-accepted (2022): 1-42.
3. Sheik Abdul Gaffar, E. S. S. Tejaswini and Seshagiri Rao Ambati*, Design of Intelligent Control Strategies for Full-Scale Wastewater Treatment Plants with Struvite Unit, Journal of Water Process Engineering, Accepted, 2022.
4. Raka Mondal, Micro-segregated two-dimensional fluid and mass transport modelling in unsteady rotating annular photocatalytic reactor, Accepted in Results in Engineering, 2022, 100752 .
5. Sheik Abdul Gaffar, E. S. S. Tejaswini and Seshagiri Rao Ambati*, Design of Intelligent Control Strategies for Full-Scale Wastewater Treatment Plants with Struvite Unit, Journal of Water Process Engineering, Accepted, 2022.
6. Reddy, B. Rajasekhar, Veluru Sridevi, Tanneru Hemanth Kumar, Chinta Sankar Rao, Venkata Chandra Sekhar Palla, Dadi V. Suriapparao, and GSNVKSN Swami Undi. "Synthesis of renewable carbon biorefinery products from susceptor enhanced microwave-assisted pyrolysis of agro-residual waste: A review." Process Safety and Environmental Protection 164 (2022): 354-372.
7. Suriapparao, Dadi V., Anurag Ateet Gupta, Garlapati Nagababu, Tanneru Hemanth Kumar, Jampa Surendra Sasikumar, and Himanshu H. Choksi. "Production of aromatic hydrocarbons from microwave-assisted pyrolysis of municipal solid waste (MSW)." Process Safety and Environmental Protection 159 (2022): 382-392.
8. Suriapparao, Dadi V., Tanneru Hemanth Kumar, B. Rajasekhar Reddy, Attada Yerrayya, B. Abhinaya Srinivas, Pandian Sivakumar, S. Reddy Prakash, Chinta Sankar Rao, Veluru Sridevi, and J. Desinghu. "Role of ZSM5 catalyst and char susceptor on the synthesis of chemicals and hydrocarbons from microwave-assisted in-situ catalytic co-pyrolysis of algae and plastic wastes." Renewable Energy 181 (2022): 990-999.
9. R. R. Maiti, C. H. Yoong, V. R. Palleti, A. Silva and C. M. Poskitt, "Mitigating Adversarial Attacks on Data-Driven Invariant Checkers for Cyber-Physical Systems," IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 1-14 (2022)
10. Chuadhry MujeebAhmed, Venkata Reddy Palleti, Vishrut KumarMishra , "A practical physical watermarking approach to detect replay attacks in a CPS", Journal of Process Control , 116, 136-146, (2022).
11.Raka Mondal, Sirshendu De, “Removal of copper(II) from aqueous solution using zinc oxide nanoparticle impregnated mixed matrix hollow fiber membrane”, Environmental Technology & Innovation, 26 (2022) 102300.
12. Rahul Binjhade, Raka Mondal, Sourav Mondal, “Continuous photocatalytic reactor: Critical review on the design and performance”, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 10 (2022) 107746.
13. Thorat, Bhaskar Narayan, and Ravi Kumar Sonwani. "Current technologies and future perspectives for the treatment of complex petroleum refinery wastewater: A review." Bioresource Technology (2022): 127263.
14. Anand, Bhaskar, Ki-Hyun Kim, Ravi Kumar Sonwani, Jan E. Szulejko, and Philippe M. Heynderickx. "Removal of gaseous benzene by a fixed-bed system packed with a highly porous metal-organic framework (MOF-199) coated glass beads." Environmental Research 208 (2022): 112655.
15. Maurya, Kanhaiya Lal, Ganesh Swain, Ravi Kumar Sonwani, Ankur Verma, and Ram Sharan Singh. "Biodegradation of Congo red dye using polyurethane foam-based biocarrier combined with activated carbon and sodium alginate: Batch and continuous study." Bioresource Technology 351 (2022): 126999.
16. Swain, Ganesh, Kanhaiya Lal Maurya, Ravi Kumar Sonwani, Ram Sharan Singh, Ravi Prakash Jaiswal, and B. N. Rai. "Effect of mixing intensity on biodegradation of phenol in a moving bed biofilm reactor: Process optimization and external mass transfer study." Bioresource Technology 351 (2022): 126921
17. D. Deo, S.Singh, S. Mohanty, S. Guhathakurata, Dipankar Pal, S. Mallik, Biomimicking of Phyto-based Superhydrophobic Surfaces towards Prospective Applications: A Review, Journal of Materials Science 57 (2022) 8569–8596
18. Sourav Ghosh, Dipankar Pal, Mathematical modeling of Non-Isothermal Tubular Reactor, Current Materials Science 15 (2022) 3-10
19. Sourav Ghosh, Dipankar Pal, Diffusion and surface reaction in porous cubical catalyst: A mathematical approach, Recent Innovations in Chemical Engineering 15 (2022) 60-69
20. Kuruvinashetti, Kiran, Hemanth Kumar Tanneru, Pragasen Pillay, and Muthukumaran Packirisamy. "Review on Microphotosynthetic Power Cells—A Low‐Power Energy‐Harvesting Bioelectrochemical Cell: From Fundamentals to Applications." Energy Technology 9, no. 7 (2021): 2001002.
21. Palleti, V. R, Adepu, Sridhar, Mishra, Vishrut, Aditya Mathur., Cascading effects of cyber-attacks on interconnected critical infrastructure. Cybersecurity 4, 8 (2021)
22. Yoong, C.H., Palleti, V.R., Maiti, R.Ranjan., Arlindo Silva., C.M. Poskitt. Deriving invariant checkers for critical infrastructure using axiomatic design principles. Cybersecurity 4, 6 (2021)
23. Suriapparao, Dadi V., Attada Yerrayya, Garlapati Nagababu, Ramesh K. Guduru, and Tanneru Hemanth Kumar. "Recovery of renewable aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbon resources from microwave pyrolysis/co-pyrolysis of agro-residues and plastics wastes." Bioresource Technology 318 (2020): 124277.
24. V. R. Palleti, Vishrut Kumar Mishra, Mujeeb Choudhary, and Aditya Mathur, “Can Replay Attacks to Steal Water from Water Distribution Systems Remain Undetected?”, ACM transactions on Cyber Physical Systems-ACM TCPS, 5 (1), 1-19, 2020.
25. Shikhar Agarwal, Vansh Anand, Nitin D Banker, Pratibha Biswal(Former faculty), Experimental studies on space heating using phase change material, Energy Storage, 10 (2020) e209
26. L Lukose, P Biswal, T Basak, Analysis of flow and thermal maps during natural convection within porous triangular configurations subjected to linear heating at inclined walls, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications 78 (2020), 479-503
Conference Publications/Presentations:
1. Muhammad Omer Shahid, Chuadhry Mujeeb Ahmed, Venkata Reddy Palleti, Jianying Zhou," Curse of System Complexity and Virtue ofOperational Invariants: Machine Learning basedSystem Modeling and Attack Detection in CPS", IEEE DSC 2022, Edinburgh, UK.
2. Ravi Kumar Sonwani, “A Feasible Approach for the Biodegradation of Congo Red Dye in Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR)” CHEM-CONFLUX 22, Universiti Sains Malaysia and MNNIT Allahabad, Excellent Publishing House, ISBN: 978-93-94086-16-6
3. Perepu, Satheesh K., Bala Shyamala Balaji, Hemanth Kumar Tanneru, Sudhakar Kathari, and Vivek Shankar Pinnamaraju. "Dynamic Selection of Weights of Ensemble Models Using Reinforcement Learning for Time-Series Forecasting." In Future of Information and Communication Conference, pp. 613-624. Springer, Cham, 2021.
4. DD Tiwari, S Naskar, AS Sai, V R Palleti , Attack Detection Using Unsupervised Learning Algorithms in Cyber-Physical Systems, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 50, 1259-1264,, Istanbul, Turkey.
5. Cheah Huei Yoong, Venkata Reddy Palleti, Arlindo Silva, and Christopher M. Poskitt “Towards Systematically Deriving Defence Mechanisms from Functional Requirements of Cyber-Physical Systems”, CPSS '20: Proceedings of the 6th ACM on Cyber-Physical System Security Workshop, Pages 11–22.
6. Sridhar Adepu, Venkata Reddy Palleti, Gyanendra Mishra and Aditya Mathur, Investigation of Cyber Attacks on a Water Distribution System, Applied Cryptography and Network Security Workshops, Springer International Publishing (2020), Pages 274-291.
7. Raka Mondal, Long-Term Performance Prediction of Mixed Matrix Membranes at Different Adsorbent Dose and Operating Conditions, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 65, X52. 00007.
Book Chapters Published
1. Sridevi, Veluru, Dadi V. Suriapparao, Hemanth Kumar Tanneru, and K. S. N. V. Prasad. "An Overview on Organosolv Production of Bio-refinery Process Streams for the Production of Biobased Chemicals." Thermochemical and Catalytic Conversion Technologies for Future Biorefineries (2022): 345-374.
2. Pratibha Biswal (Former faculty), “Thermal Energy Storage Systems for Concentrating Solar Power Plants”, Energy Storage Publisher: John Wiley and Sons, 2021/8