Mandapaka Ravi Kiran
Assistant Professor , Department of Chemical Engineering
Research Interest:
Gas Phase catalysis, Petro-Chemicals, Micro-Kinetic modelling, Kinetic Modelling Green House gas abatement, Hydrogen Generation, Carbon Capture and Utilization
Teaching Interests
Petroleum Refinery Engineering
Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Analytical Techniques
Chemical Reaction Engineering-II
Mass Transfer Laboratory
Fluid Flow laboratory
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Chemical Engineering - Department of Chemical Engineering , Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, (IISc), (2018)
- Master of Technology (M.Tech) In chemical Engineering. Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai,(IITM) (2013)
- Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech ) in Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, Andhra University College of Engineering,(AUCE),(2010)
Professional Experience
- Research Scientist, Corporate Research and Development Centre (CRDC) , Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL), 2018-2019
- Senior Research Scientist, Corporate Research and Development Centre (CRDC), Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL), 2019-2021.
- Assistant Professor, Department of chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Petroleum and Energy, Visakhapatnam. 2022-till date
Journal Publications
R. Mandapaka, G. Madras, Zinc and platinum co-doped ceria for WGS and CO oxidation, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 211 (2017)137-147. Impact factor: 24.319
• R. Mandapaka, P. Natarajan, G. Madras, Microkinetic model for WGS over ionic platinum substituted ceria under r-WGS conditions, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42 (2017) 23891-23898. Impact factor: 7.139
• R. Mandapaka, G. Madras, Microkinetic modeling of CO oxidation over Fe-Pt decorated GO, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 56 (2017) 8465-8473, Impact factor:
• R. Mandapaka, G. Madras, Aluminum and rhodium co-doped ceria for water gas shift reaction and CO oxidation, Molecular Catalysis,451 (2017). 4-12. Impact factor: 5.06
• R. Mandapaka, G. Madras, Microkinetic modeling of CO oxidation over palladium substituted ceria, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 55 (2016) 2309-2318. Impact factor: 4.32
• R. Mandapaka, G. Madras, Kinetics of CO oxidation on palladium using microkinetics coupled with reaction route analysis, Chemical Engineering Science, 131 (2015) 271-281. Impact factor: 4.311
• R. Mandapaka, R dot approach for kinetic modelling of WGS over noble metals, International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering (2024), Just Accepted.
Conference Publications
1. Paper Presentation on “Kinetics of Water Gas shift reaction on Platinum-A reduced rate expression” as part of MaCKiE 2013, International conference on mathematics and chemical kinetics in engineering, held at IIT Madras.
2. Poster presentation on ‘‘Reaction mechanism Reduction and monolith reactor modeling for Automotive exhaust’’ at International Conference on Chemical Kinetics (ICCK), held at the University of Seville, Spain from 8th to 12 th of July 2013.
3.Presentation on “CFD modelling of reactions significant in automotive catalytic converters” as part of AIChE annual meeting, held at San Francisco, USA, 2013
4. Presentation on “Detailed kinetic modeling of CO oxidation on non-reducible oxides”, as part of International Conference on Computational and Material Challenges in Gas Conversion Technologies held at JNCASR,2014
5.Presentation on “Detailed kinetic modeling of WGS on Platinum Doped ceria” as part of 2nd International Conference on Hydrogen Energy held at University of Surrey, UK,2016
• Kunte Amit, Mandapaka Ravi Kiran, Satyarthi Jitendra Kumar, Moonjely Renny Andrew, Singh Vaishakhi, Mulpuri Venkata Syamkumar, Bhargava Sanjay, Ray Saptarshi, Voolapalli Ravikumar, An Improved Method For Drying Of Super Absorbent Polymer,2019, IN 421802
• Kunte Amit, Mandapaka Ravi Kiran,
Moonjely Renny Andrew, Ray Saptarshi, Voolapalli Ravikumar,
A Process for recovering methacrolein from a reactor effluent stream
containing Methacrolein and methacrylic acid
, 2021, IN
Text & Reference Books
Research Projects
phase mitigation of CO2 and CO through
and fischer-tropsch reactions
gas Production, Exploration , application
House gas, pollutant abatement
Chemicals synthesis, ETO, ADH
Awards & Honors
• Awarded ‘Best R & D’ team for the year 2018 at CRDC, BPCL.
• Publication submitted to Journal of Molecular Catalysis, titled ‘Aluminum and rhodium co-doped ceria for water gas shift reaction and CO oxidation’ in volume 451(2017), 4-12 was recognized as ‘editor’s choice Paper’.
• Recipient of Kumar-Gandhi award for best research poster for Chemical Engg Symposium (in-house), IISc, 2015.
•Recipient of Startup- Research Grant (SRG)awarded by SERB DST,2023
Administrative Responsibilities:
Professor In-Charge, Career Development and Placement Cell, (2022-till date)
Member, Department Purchase committee, (2022-till date)