Sivasankar P
Associate Professor, Department of Petroleum Engineering & Earth Sciences
Research Interest:
- Numerical Modelling of Multiphase Flow and Reactive Transport in Porous Media
- Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)
- Physics Informed Machine Learning
- Geo-storage of CO2 and Hydrogen
- Decarbonization & Energy Transition
Email: sivasankar.petro@iipe.ac.in
Ph: 9600043460
Teaching Interests
Oil Recovery
Transport in Porous Media
Elements of Reservoir Engineering
Computational Modelling of Flow & Transport Processes in Porous Media
Advanced Enhanced Oil Recovery (With focus on simulation of EOR process)
Prospecting, Field Development and Asset Management
PhD in Petroleum Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology – Madras, 2018.
(Specialized in mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of EOR processes)M.Tech in Petroleum Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology – Madras, 2012.
B.E in Civil Engineering, Anna University, Chennai, 2008.
Professional Experience
Assistant Professor, Department of Petroleum Engineering & Earth Sciences,
Indian Institute of Petroleum and Energy (IIPE), Visakhapatnam. (August 2019- Present)
Assistant Professor, School of Petroleum Technology,
Pandit Deendayal Energy University (formerly PDPU), Gandhinagar. (July 2018- July 2019)
Member of Professional Bodies
Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Journal Publications
* As Supervisor & Corresponding Author.
15. Dinesh, N., Alpana, S., Sharma, T., Sivasankar, P*. 2025. Dynamics of CO2 foam using natural and synthetic surfactants under different injection modes in sandstones: Implications on enhancing oil recovery and CO2 sequestration. Energy & Fuels. (Accepted).
14. Dinesh, N., Pavan, P.S., Sivasankar, P*. 2024. Decarbonization of Alkali-Surfactant-Polymer flooding enhanced oil recovery process with hydrogen under uncertainty. Energy & Fuels. 38, 11093 - 11106.
13. Dinesh, N., Sivasankar, P*. 2024. Exergy based assessment for decarbonization of CO2 foam flooding enhanced oil recovery process and energy transition with hydrogen. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 52, 1522-1536.
12. Nikhil, P., Prakash, G.B., Kavyasri, K., Sivasankar, P*. 2024. Analysis on CO2 emissions, green hydrogen requirement and geo-storage potential of hydrogen for decarbonization of industrial operations in southeastern coast of India. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 52, 1507-1521.
11. Kanna, R., Sivasankar, P., Kalpana, S. 2023. Application of bio-surfactant produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa MTCC 16036 for remediation of petroleum sludge. European Chemical Bulletin. 12(5). 1883-1896.
10. Pavan, S., Arvind, K., Nikhil, B., Sivasankar, P*. 2022. Predicting performance of in-situ microbial enhanced oil recovery process and screening of suitable microbe-nutrient combination from limited experimental data by physics informed machine learning approach. Bioresource Technology, 351.
9. Priya, R., Sivaraj, R., Abraham, A., Pravin, T., Sivasankar, P., Anitha, N. 2022. Multi-objective particle swarm optimization based preprocessing of multi-class extremely imbalanced datasets. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems.
8. Ganesh, H., Sivasankar, P., Sivakumar, P., Sircar., A. 2019. Sustainable drilling operations by utilizing waste biomass as a lost circulation additive. Energy Sources Part A: Recovery, Utilization And Environmental Effects.
7. Sivasankar, P., Suresh Kumar, G., 2019. Influence of bio-clogging induced formation damage on performance of microbial enhanced oil recovery processes. Fuel. 236, 100-109.
Sivasankar, P., Suresh Kumar, G., 2018. Modelling the influence
of interaction between injection and formation brine salinities on in-situ
microbial enhanced oil recovery processes by coupling of multiple-ion exchange
transport model with multiphase fluid flow and multi-species reactive transport
models. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 163, 435-452.
5. Sivasankar, P., Suresh Kumar, G., 2017. Improved Empirical Relations for Estimating Original Oil in Place Recovered During Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery Under Varied Salinity Conditions. Petroleum Science and Technology. 35, 2036–2043.
4. Sivasankar, P., Suresh Kumar, G., 2017. Influence of pH on dynamics of microbial enhanced oil recovery processes using biosurfactant produced Pseudomonas putida: Mathematical modelling and numerical simulation. Bioresource Technology. 224, 498-508.
3. Sivasankar, P., Kanna, R., Suresh Kumar, G., Gummadi, S.N., 2016. Numerical modelling of biophysicochemical effects on multispecies reactive transport in porous media involving Pseudomonas putida for potential microbial enhanced oil recovery application. Bioresource Technology. 211, 348-359.
2. Vivek, R., Sivasankar, P., Suresh Kumar, G., 2017. Accelerating dissolution trapping by low saline WAG injection scenario. Energy Procedia. 114, 5038-5047.
1. Sivasankar, P., Suresh Kumar, G., 2014. Numerical modelling of enhanced oil recovery by microbial flooding under non-isothermal conditions. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 124, 161-172.
Conference Publications
18. Dinesh, N.S.V., Sivasankar, P. 2024. Uncertainty
Quantification and Probabilistic Prediction Studies for Decarbonization of CO2
Foam Flooding EOR Process with Hydrogen. Presented at Trends in Chemical,
Energy and Environmental Engineering, India.
17. Dinesh, N.S.V., Sivasankar, P. 2024. Optimization of Low Saline Surfactant Flooding EOR Process. Presented at International Conference on Oil and Gas for Energy Security, PDEU, Gandhinagar, India.
16. Sivasankar, P. 2024. Dynamics of Microbial Flooding Enhanced Oil Recovery Process Under Salinity Variations. Presented at National Conference on Earth’s Materials for Energy: Mantle to Market (EE & MM -24), Visakhapatnam, India.
15. Dinesh, N.S.V., Sivasankar, P. 2023. Decarbonization of Alkali Surfactant Polymer Enhanced Oil Recovery Process with Green Hydrogen: Uncertainty Quantification and Probabilistic Prediction Studies by Monte Carlo Simulation. Presented at International Conference on Petroleum, Hydrogen and Decarbonization, IIT-Guwahati, India.
14. Dinesh, N.S.V., Sivasankar, P. 2023. Decarbonization of CO2 foam enhanced oil recovery process with green hydrogen. Presented at International Conference on Green Hydrogen for Global Decarbonization, India.
13. Kavyasri, K., Prakash, G.B., Prasad, N., Dinesh, N.S.V., Sivasankar, P. 2023. Analysis on CO2 emissions and geo-storage of green hydrogen for decarbonization of industrial operations in south-east coast of India. Presented at International Conference on Green Hydrogen for Global Decarbonization, India.
12. Deepak, CR., Dinesh, NSV., Sivasankar, P. 2022. Comparing machine learning algorithms for predicting transport of species in porous media using physics informed machine learning approach. Presented at Complex Fluids Symposium 2022 (CompFlu 2022), IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal, India.
11.Dinesh, NSV., Sivasankar, P. 2022. Mesh refinement and stability analysis on numerical modelling of coupled flow and transport equations of single-phase fluid in porous media. Presented at Complex Fluids Symposium 2022 (CompFlu 2022), IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal, India.
10. Sivasankar, P. 2022. Bioremediation of hydrocarbon-contaminated groundwater by biosurfactant flooding: Mathematical modelling and numerical simulation study. Presented at 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure with Smart Technology for Energy & Environmental Management (SIC-SISTEEM'22), Tamilnadu, India.
9. Sivasankar, P., Vivek, R. 2022. Computational modelling and simulation of enhanced oil recovery by microbial flooding: Current challenges and future directions. Presented at 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure with Smart Technology for Energy & Environmental Management (SIC-SISTEEM'22), Tamilnadu, India.
8. Vivek, R., Sivasankar, P. 2022. Modelling relative permeability hysteresis of CO2 sequestration system and its significance to the storage safety. Presented at 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure with Smart Technology for Energy & Environmental Management (SIC-SISTEEM'22), Tamilnadu, India.
7. Dinesh.C., Sivasankar, P. 2021. Development of an improved EOR screening tool with GUI. Presented (Virtual) in International Conference in Petroleum Engineering, PETRAMET’21, AMET University, Chennai, India.
6. Vasanth, K., Yashwanth, K., Roshan, G., Sivasankar. P. 2021. Applications of nanoparticles in oil recovery. Presented (Virtual) in National conference on New Frontiers in Energy and Environmental Sustainability’21, NFEES’21, PDEU, Gujarat, India.
5. Sivasankar, P., Sivakumar P., Hari Ganesh., Sircar, A. 2018. Numerical modelling of in-situ bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated groundwater aquifer by microbial flooding. International Conference on Advances and Challenges for Sustainable Ecosystems, held at National Institute of Technology – Trichy, Tamilnadu, India.
4. Ganesh, H., Sivasankar, P., Sivakumar, P., Sircar, A. 2018. Sustainable drilling operations by utilizing waste biomass as a lost circulation additive. International Conference on Advances and Challenges for Sustainable Ecosystems, held at National Institute of Technology – Trichy, Tamilnadu, India.
3. Vivek, R., Sivasankar, P., Suresh Kumar, G., 2017. Accelerating dissolution trapping by low saline WAG injection scenario. Energy Procedia. 114, 5038-5047.
2. Sivasankar, P., Suresh Kumar, G., 2016. Modelling the coupled effects of temperature, injection rate and microbial kinetic parameters on oil recovery by microbial flooding. SPE Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition, Dammam, Saudi Arabia.
1. Sivasankar, P., Suresh Kumar, G., 2015. Numerical modelling of microbial enhanced oil recovery process under the effect of reservoir temperature, pH and microbial sorption kinetics. SPE 174637-MS, SPE Asia Pacific Enhanced Oil Recovery Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Book Chapters
1. Dinesh, N.S.V., Sivasankar, P*. 2024. "Technologies for Reducing Emissions in Upstream Operations". In Decarbonizing the Petroleum Industry. Elsevier. (Accepted, In Press).
2. Sivasankar, P. 2024. "Simulation of Nanoparticle-Assisted Enhanced Oil Recovery: A Coupled Multi-phase Fluid Flow and Nanoparticle Transport Model". In Role of Nanotechnology in Enhanced Oil Recovery. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis. (Accepted, In Press).
3. Dinesh, N.S.V., Sivasankar, P*. 2024.
"Nanoparticle-Assisted Foam for Enhanced Oil Recovery".
In Role of Nanotechnology in Enhanced Oil Recovery. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis.
(Accepted, In Press).
Research Projects
1. Development and performance evaluation of in-situ microbial flooding EOR process to improve recovery efficiency in harsher reservoir conditions.
Funded by: ONGC Energy Centre.
Project Cost: Rs. 47,09,727; Role: Principal Investigator
2. Mechanistic modelling and numerical simulation of low salinity assisted chemical EOR methods.
Funded by: Innovative Research Grant, IIPE.
Project Cost: Rs. 27,00,000; Role: Principal Investigator
Awards & Honors
“Best Paper Award-Third Place” for the paper titled “Bioremediation of hydrocarbon-contaminated groundwater by biosurfactant flooding: Mathematical modelling and numerical simulation study” presented at 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure with Smart Technology for Energy & Environmental Management. (Year: 2022)
2. “Best Paper Award-Third Place” at SPE ATSE conference held at Saudi Arabia for the paper ttitled “Modelling the coupled effects of temperature, injection rate and microbial kinetic parameters on oil recovery by microbial flooding”. (Year: 2016)
Administrative Responsibilities:
Current Administrative Duties:
Associate Dean (Planning & Resources).
Member, Buildings Work Committee.
Chairman, Institute Works Committee.
Chairman, Progress Monitoring Committee.
Past Administrative Duties:
Professor-in-Charge, Career Development Cell.
Faculty Co-Ordinator, Associate Dean (Planning).
Member, Institute Purchase Committee.
Warden, Men's Hostel.
Faculty Co-ordinator, Literary & Fine arts Committee.
Phd Students:
Thesis Submitted:
1. N. Dinesh - Decarbonization of Chemical and Gas EOR Processes and Energy Transition with Hydrogen Using Life Cycle Assessment Analysis
1. Prasad Babu - Hydrocarbon Field Development and Production Enhancement.
2. Bala Saidulu – Synergic Effects of Low Salinity Water Flooding with Chemical EOR process.
3. Annavarapu Ramsatish - Application of AI/ML for Reservoir Management
4. Kuldeep Singh Bahoti - Decarbonization of CO2 EOR process with Low Carbon Energy Sources
5. Sonam Grewal - Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery
6. Murali Mohan
Invited Lecture
1. Lecture Topic: Modelling and Simulation of Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery Process: Current Status, Challenges and Way Forward".
Delivered at International Conference on Oil and Gas for Energy Security, PDEU, Gandhinagar, India on 8/02/2024.
2. Lecture Topic: "Enhanced Oil Recovery"
Delivered at RVS College of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore on 25/08/2023.
Peer-reviewer for following journals:
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (Elsevier)
Fuel (Elsevier)
Environmental Technology & Innovation (Elsevier)
Energy & AI (Elsevier)
Scientific Reports (Nature)
Energy & Fuels (American Chemical Society)
Petroleum Science and Technology (Taylor & Francis)
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment (Springer)