Mohuli Das
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Petroleum Engineering & Earth Sciences
Research Interest:
Sedimentology, Ichnology, Sequence Stratigraphy, Petroleum Geosciences
Room 316(O), 2nd floor, AU College of Engineering Main Block, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh - 530003
Email: mohulidas.es@iipe.ac.in, mohuli.das@gmail.com
ResearchGate Profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mohuli-Das
LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mohuli-das-74b15465/
Google Scholar Profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Igsl0cMAAAAJ&hl=en
Scopus Profile: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57210841658
Teaching Interests
Sedimentary Geology and Stratigraphy
Geology of Fuels
Basin Formation,
Development, and Analysis
Geology and Geophysics Lab
Ph.D. (Geology) Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, 2024
M.Tech (Petroleum Geosciences) Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, 2018
M.Sc. (Applied Geology) Presidency University, 2016
B.Sc. (Geology Honours) University of Calcutta, 2014
Professional Experience
August 2024 – Present: Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Petroleum Engineering, Indian Institute of Petroleum and Energy (IIPE), Visakhapatnam, India
March 2024
August 2024: Institute Postdoctoral Fellow, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, Mumbai, India
Member of Professional Bodies
Member: International Ichnological Association
Member: International Association of Sedimentologists
Member: The Paleontological Society
Member: Indian Association of Sedimentologists
Journal Publications
(1) Das, M., Dasgupta, S., Singh, S., Klunk, M. A. and D’souza, R., 2025. The Camborygma Ichnofacies in a high-resolution sequence-stratigraphic framework for the Eocene palustrine-alluvial depositional interval of Kutch Basin, India. Journal of Palaeogeography (In press).
(2) Das, M., Dasgupta, S., Srivastava, A., Rajkhowa, D. and Banerjee, S., 2024. Ichnological response to the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) in the Bartonian deposits of Kutch Basin, India. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 643, 112183.
(3) Das, M., Dasgupta, S., Roy Choudhury, T., D’souza, R. and Banerjee, S., 2024. Impact of Early Eocene (Ypresian) warming events on ichnological assemblage of the Naredi Formation, western Kutch (Kachchh) Basin of Gujarat, India. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 639, 112063.
(4) Das, M., Dasgupta, S., D’souza, R. and Natarajan, A., 2023. A novel ichnospecies Nummipera saraswatii from the Early Eocene (Ypresian) Assilina bank deposits of the Naredi Formation, Kutch Basin, India. Ichnos, 30(4), 283–302.
(5) Srivastava, A., Das, M., Dasgupta, S. and D’souza, R., 2024. The new ichnospecies Teredolites solitarius and its taphonomy from the Cenozoic carbonate intervals of Kutch Basin, India. Ichnos, 31, 18–39.
(6) D’souza, R., Dasgupta, S., Das, M., Natarajan, A. and Rajkhowa, D., 2024. Morphology and ethology of Rosselia erecta in Eocene lignitic mudstone. Ichnos, 1 – 18.
Srivastava, A., Dasgupta, S., Chatterjee, K. and Das, M., 2024. Trace fossil evidences of an Early Miocene paleoseismic event and depositional regime change from the Kutch (Kachchh) Basin. Journal of Palaeogeography, 13(1), 165–180.
(8) Das, M., Dasgupta, S., Klunk, M.A., Xavier, S.J.S., Chemale Jr., F. and Wander, P.R., 2020. Study involving removal of azo dye Direct Orange 34 by adsorption in zeolite–clay system. Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 98(10), 609-615.
(9) Dasgupta, S., Das, M., Klunk, M.A., Xavier, S.J.S., Caetano, N.R. and Wander, P.R., 2021. Copper and chromium removal from synthetic textile wastewater using clay minerals and zeolite through the effect of pH. Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, 18, 3377–3386.
Klunk, M.A., Das, M., Dasgupta, S., Impiombato, A.N., Caetano, N.R., Wander, P.R. and Moraes, C.A.M., 2020. Comparative study using different external sources of aluminium on the zeolites synthesis from rice husk ash. Materials Research Express, 7, 015023.
Klunk, M.A., Das, M., Dasgupta, S., Caetano, N.R., Xavier, S.J.S., de Souza, D.M., Wander, P.R. and Moraes, C.A.M., 2021. Synthesis of ZSM-5 Zeolite from Metakaolin and Rice Husk Ash to CO2 Adsorption. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 10(1), 013001.
(12) Dasgupta, S., Klunk, M.A., Das, M., Xavier, S.J.S., Chemale Jr., F., Wander, P.R., Mendes, and Moraes, C.A.M., 2021. Hydrothermal synthesis of zeolite Y from green materials. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 99(S1), S179–S189.
(13) Klunk, M. A., Dasgupta, S. and Das, M., 2018. Slow Pyrolysis of Rice Straw: Analysis of Biochar, Bio-Oil and Gas. Southern Brazilian Journal of Chemistry, 26, 17–25.
Klunk, M. A., Dasgupta, S. and Das, M., 2017. Influence of Fast Pyrolysis with Temperature on Gas, Char and Bio-oil Production. Southern Brazilian Journal of Chemistry, 25, 1–11.
Klunk, M. A., Dasgupta, S., Das, M. and Shah, Z, 2018. System of Adsorption of CO2 in Coalbed. Southern Brazilian Journal of Chemistry, 26, 2–9.
(16) Klunk, M. A., Dasgupta, S., Das, M. and Wander, P. R., 2019. Computer Codes of Geochemical Modeling used to Water-Rock Interaction Simple and Complex Systems. Periódico Tchê Química (Meio Eletrônico), 16(32), 108 – 118.
Klunk, M. A., Dasgupta, S., Das, M., Cunha, M. G. and Wander, P. R., 2019. Synthesis of Sodalite Zeolite and Adsorption Study of Crystal Violet Dye. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 8(10), N144–N150.
Klunk, M. A., Dasgupta, S.,
Das, M., Wander, P. R. and Di Capua, A., 2019. Geochemical Speciation and Batch
Mode Simulation in the carbonate depositional environments. Periódico Tchê
Química (Meio Eletrônico), 16(33), 736
Klunk, M. A., Dasgupta, S.,
Das, M., Wander, P. R. and Shah, Z., 2019. Adsorption Study of Crystal Violet
and Malachite Green Dyes in Zeolitic Material. Periódico Tchê Química (Meio
Eletrônico), 16(33), 70
(20) Klunk, M.A., Dasgupta, S., Das, M.*, Conceição, R.V., Xavier, S.J.S., Chemale Jr., F. and Wander, P.R., 2021. Application of geochemical modelling software as a tool to predict the diagenetic reactions between the marine connate water and the salt dome in a petroleum system. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 109, 103272.
(21) Klunk, M. A., Ponomarev, A. A., Dasgupta, S. and Das, M., 2017. Arsenic Speciation in Groundwater using the Softwares PHREEQC, GWB and GEODELING. Southern Brazilian Journal of Chemistry, 25, 30–35.
(22) De Souza, M. K., Klunk, M. A., Xavier, S. J. S., Das, M. and Dasgupta, S., 2020. Spectroscopic Methods to Determination of Goethite in Kaolinite. Periódico Tchê Química (Meio Eletrônico), 17, 816 – 822.
Klunk, M.A., Schröpfer, S.B., Dasgupta, S., Das, M., Caetano, N.R., Impiombato, A.N., Wander, P.R. and Moraes, C.A.M., 2020. Synthesis and characterization of mordenite zeolite from metakaolin and rice husk ash as a source of aluminium and silicon. Chemical Papers, 74, 2481–2489.
(24) Klunk, M.A., Girelli, T.J., Xavier, S.J.S., Chemale Jr, F., D'souza, R., Das, M. and Dasgupta, S., 2024. Geochemical modeling of diagenetic reactions between albitization of K-feldspar and plagioclase feldspar in sandstone reservoirs under the influence of CO2 partial pressure. Evolving Earth, 2, 100042.
(25) Klunk, M.A., Shah, Z., Caetano, N.R., Conceição, R.V., Wander, P.R., Dasgupta, S. and Das, M., 2020. CO2 sequestration by magnesite mineralisation through interaction of Mg-brine and CO2: Integrated laboratory experiments and computerised geochemical modelling. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 77(3), 492–509.
Conference Publications
(1) Das, M. and Dasgupta, S., 2024. Ichnological response to the Eocene hyperthermal events as recorded in the onshore Kutch Basin, India. ICHNIA 2024–The 5th International Congress on Ichnology, April 14–19, 2024 (Oral Presentation). Florianópolis, Brazil.
(2) Das, M. and Dasgupta, S., 2023. Nummipera saraswatii: A proposed armored ichnospecies in a transgressive nummulitic-bank setting from the early Eocene (Ypresian) Naredi Formation, Kutch (Kachchh) basin of India. 36th International Meeting of Sedimentology, June 12–16, 2023 (Poster Presentation). Dubrovnik, Croatia.
(3) Das, M. and Dasgupta, S., 2022. Trace-fossils bearing imprints of the early Eocene warming events in the Naredi Formation, western Kutch basin, Gujarat. In National Conference on ‘Current Understanding from Indian Sedimentary Basins and Road Ahead’ and 38th Convention of Indian Association of Sedimentologists (IAS), December 9–11, 2022 (Oral Presentation). Delhi, India.
(4) Das, M., Dasgupta, S. and D’souza, R., 2023. Carbonate ichnology of the Early Eocene Naredi Formation, Kutch (Kachchh) basin, Gujarat, India: Evaluating paleo-environmental controls and biotic responses. 36th International Meeting of Sedimentology, June 12–16, 2023 (Oral Presentation). Dubrovnik, Croatia.
(5) Das, M., Dasgupta, S. and D’souza, R., 2022. Nummipera saraswatii, a new armored ichnospecies, and the Nummipera-Cylindrichnus ichnofabric in a parautochthonous biofabric: A transgressive bank setting from the early Eocene Naredi Formation, Kutch basin, India. 21st International Sedimentological Congress, August 20–27, 2022 (Oral Presentation). Beijing, China.
(6) Das., M., Dasgupta, S. and D’souza, R., 2021. Crayfish burrows from the Eocene Naredi Formation, Kutch: A tool for paleo-environmental, ethological, and high-resolution (low-order) stratigraphic analysis. International Conference in Geosciences with focus on Climate Change (ICGCC- 2021), Mohanlal Sukhadia University (MLSU) Udaipur, Technical Session II, No. 28, India.
(7) Das, M., Dasgupta, S. and Singh, S., 2022. Ichnofossils and paleosol from the early Eocene Naredi Formation (Kutch, India): Proxies for construction of an integrated paleo-depositional and high-resolution sequence-stratigraphic model. 21st International Sedimentological Congress, Aug 20–27, 2022 (Poster Presentation). Beijing, China.
(8) Das, M., Dasgupta, S. and Srivastava, A., 2024. Ichnological record corresponding to the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO): A case study from the Bartonian Kutch Basin, western India. ICHNIA 2024–The 5th International Congress on Ichnology, April 14–19, 2024 (Poster Presentation). Florianópolis, Brazil.
(9) Das, M., Dasgupta, S., Singh, S. and Klunk, M.A., 2022. Ichnological, palaeoenvironmental, and high-resolution sequence-stratigraphic analysis of the Palaeosol Member from the Ypresian (early Eocene) Naredi Formation, western Kutch basin, Gujarat, India. The 5th International Conference of Palaeogeography, May 14–15, 2022 (Keynote Talk). Wuhan, China.
(10) Das, M., Dasgupta, S., Singh, S., Klunk, M. A., D’souza, R., 2024. The Camborygma Ichnofacies in a high-resolution sequence-stratigraphic framework for the Eocene palustrine-alluvial depositional interval of Kutch Basin, India. The 6th International Conference of Palaeogeography, May 18–20, 2024 (Oral Presentation). Nanjing, China.
(11) Dasgupta, S., Das, M. and D’souza, R., 2022. Unusual infaunal animal-sediment interactions: Unique ichnologic preservations around the Eocene shoreline of Kutch basin, Gujarat. National Conference on Resource Potential of the Sedimentary Basins, 37th Convention of Indian Association of Sedimentologists (IAS), Department of Geology, University of Jammu, April 26–27, 2022 (Keynote Talk). Jammu, India.
Dasgupta, S., Das, M., Rajkhowa, D. and D’souza, R., 2022. Bioherms produced by gregarious coven of armored-burrow producers from the early Eocene Naredi Formation of the Kutch basin, Gujarat, India. 21st International Sedimentological Congress, August 20–27, 2022 (Oral Presentation). Beijing, China.
(13) Chatterjee, K., Dasgupta, S., Das, M., Srivastava, A. and Singh, S., 2021. Ichnology and low-order sequence-stratigraphy of pedogenized interval of the Miocene Khari Nadi Formation, western Kutch, Gujarat. International Conference in Geosciences with focus on Climate Change (ICGCC- 2021), Mohanlal Sukhadia University (MLSU) Udaipur, Technical Session I, No. 23, India.
(14) Chatterjee, K., Dasgupta, S., Singh, S., Srivastava, S. and Das, M., 2022. Paleopedologic, ichnologic, and sequence-stratigraphic characterization of the early Miocene Khari Nadi Formation, Kutch basin, Gujarat state of India. 21st International Sedimentological Congress, August 20–27, 2022 (Oral Presentation). Beijing, China.
(15) Dasgupta, S., Srivastava, A., Chatterjee, K. and Das, M., 2022. Seismically induced soft-sediment-deformation structures (sand volcanoes) and the ichnological responses from the early Miocene Khari Nadi Formation of Kutch basin, western India. 21st International Sedimentological Congress, August 20–27, 2022 (Poster Presentation). Beijing, China.
(16) D’souza, R., Dasgupta, S., Das, M. and Natarajan, A., 2022. An opportunistic trophic generalist strategy for survival in a hyperstressed benthic niche in an ultra-restricted marginal-marine embayment setting. 21st International Sedimentological Congress, August 20–27, 2022 (Oral Presentation). International Association of Sedimentologists. Beijing, China.
(17) D’souza, R., Dasgupta, S., Das, M. and Rajkhowa, D., 2022. Ichnology and sedimentology of the tide-influenced marginal-marine setting within a restricted paleo-embayment during Eocene in the Kutch basin of Gujarat, India. 21st International Sedimentological Congress, August 20–27, 2022 (Poster Presentation). International Association of Sedimentologists. Beijing, China.
(18) D’souza, R., Dasgupta, S., Natarajan, A., Das, M. and Rajkhowa, D., 2023. An ultra-stressed infaunal niche, and ichnology of restricted xylic embayment setting from the early Eocene of western Kutch (Kachchh) basin. 36th International Meeting of Sedimentology, 12–16 June, 2023 (Oral Presentation). International Association of Sedimentologists. Dubrovnik, Croatia.
(19) Srivastava, A., Dasgupta, S. and Das, M., 2023. “Kuphus tube”? Or Teredolites? What does the Cenozoic carbonate intervals of the western Kutch (Kachchh) Basin of India suggest? 36th International Meeting of Sedimentology, June 12–16, 2023 (Poster Presentation). Dubrovnik, Croatia.
(20) Srivastava, A., Chatterjee, K., Das, M. and Dasgupta, S., 2021. Seismically induced sand volcano from the Miocene Khari Nadi Formation of Kutch Basin, Western India. International Conference in Geosciences with focus on Climate Change (ICGCC- 2021), Mohanlal Sukhadia University (MLSU) Udaipur, Technical Session II, No. 41, India.
(21) Srivastava, A., Dasgupta, S., Chatterjee, K. and Das, M., 2022. Seismically induced soft-sediment deformation structures (SSDS) from the early Miocene Khari Nadi Formation, western Kutch basin of India: Evidence of a tectonic uplift triggering an ichno-sedimentological regime change. The 5th International Conference of Palaeogeography (Wuhan 2022), Wuhan, China.
(22) Srivastava, A., Dasgupta, S., Das, M. and Prasad, K., 2022. Solitary shipworm (Kuphus sp.) borings (Teredolites isp.) from the carbonate rocks of the Cenozoic of Kutch Basin, the possibility of a new ichnospecies. In National Conference on ‘Current Understanding from Indian Sedimentary Basins and Road Ahead’ and 38th Convention of Indian Association of Sedimentologists (IAS), December 9–11, 2022 (Oral Presentation). Delhi, India.
Srivastava, A., Dasgupta, A., Singh, S., Das, M. and Chatterjee, K., 2022. Softground and firmground opportunistic Thalassinoides (-Gyrolithes) ichnofabric and paleosol ichnofabric of the early Miocene Chhasra Formation, Kutch basin, Gujarat state of India. 21st International Sedimentological Congress, August 20–27, 2022 (Oral Presentation). Beijing, China.
Book Chapters
Klunk, M.A., Dasgupta, S., Das, M., D’Souza, R., Xavier, S.J.S. and Wander, P.R., 2022. Geochemical modeling of diagenetic reactions in the Eocene sediment-gravity-flow deposit reservoirs influenced by salt tectonics: The Espírito Santo Basin, Brazil. In: Mukherjee, S. (Ed.), Petroleum Geoscience, Wiley-Blackwell.
Research Projects
MSc Project: Study of Panchpatmali Bauxite Deposit of NALCO at Koraput District, Odisha with special emphasis on its genesis (Guide: Prof. Joydip Mukhopadhyay, Presidency University)
MTech Project: Study of Phanerozoic Glauconites for Environmental Interpretation (Guide: Prof. Santanu Banerjee, IIT Bombay)
PhD project: Ichno-sedimentologic and high-resolution sequence-stratigraphic investigation of the Eocene Kutch Basin, western India (Guide: Prof. Sudipta Dasgupta, IIT Bombay)
Postdoc Project: Ichnologic investigation of armored burrows in and around India and Spain (Guide: Prof. Sudipta Dasgupta, IIT Bombay; Collaborator: Prof. Zain Belaústegui, University of Barcelona)
Awards & Honors
‘IIA Travel Grant’ to attend ICHNIA 2024
–The 5th International Congress on Ichnology organized by the International Ichnological Association (IIA). Florianópolis, Brazil; 2024
‘Outstanding ICHNIA 2024 Presentation Award’ for best poster presentation at ICHNIA 2024–The 5th International Congress on Ichnology organized by the International Ichnological Association. Florianópolis, Brazil; 2024
‘Outstanding Student Poster Award’ at the 21st International Sedimentological Congress organized by the International Association of Sedimentologists. Beijing, China; 2022
‘James E. Hook Memorial Award’ through the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Foundation Grants-in-Aid Program; 2020
Invited Lecture
Das, M., 2024. An insight into ichnology as a global
warming indicator: A retrospect from the Eocene epoch. National Seminar and
Workshop on Recent Advances in Ichnology and Sedimentary Geochemistry, October
26–28, 2024 (Invited lecture).
Mumbai, India
Evolving Earth