Sharon H
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Research Interest:
Solar Energy (Thermal and PV)
Water - Energy Nexus
Energy & Environment
Techo-Enviro-Economic Assessment of Renewable Energy Systems
Alternate Fuels - Waste Biomass Value Addition & Utilization
Latest Authored Book (Asian Version) :
Latest Authored Book (International Version) :
(Open for positive, fruitful and mutually beneficial research collaborations with other institutes/organizations)
*Students/Candidates Interested in pursuing internship/research/project or Ph.D., in above research themes can contact me via mail (
(Please Scroll Down For More Information)
Teaching Interests
Courses Instructed at Indian Institute of Petroleum and Energy
Heat Transfer
Strength of Materials
Solar Energy: Photovoltaic Energy
Engineering Graphics
Physics (Light, Waves, Vibration, Heat Transfer)
Strength of Materials Lab
Heat Transfer Lab
Workshop Laboratory
Courses Instructed at National Institute of Technology Andhra Pradesh
Advanced Thermodynamics
Advanced Heat and Mass Transfer
Advanced Internal Combustion Engines
Industrial Tribology
Industrial Safety and Risk Assessment
Thermal Engineering Lab
Heat Transfer and Fuels Lab
Engineering Drawing
Courses Instructed at Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences
Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Heat Transfer
Thermal Engineering Lab I & II
Ph.D., - Solar Energy Engineering - (June 2012 to July 2018)
Heat Transfer & Thermal Power Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
M.E., - Energy Engineering - (September 2009 to April 2011)
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Anna University of Technology Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India
B.E., - Mechanical Engineering - (August 2005 to May 2009)
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Government College of Engineering Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India
Professional Experience
March 2022 to Till Now - Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Petroleum and Energy, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India
July 2021 to February 2022 - Adhoc Faculty, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Andhra Pradesh, Tadepalligudem,
Andhra Pradesh, India
August 2020 to May 2021 - Adhoc Faculty, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Andhra Pradesh, Tadepalligudem, Andhra Pradesh, India
June 2019 to April 2020 - Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
July 2011 to May 2012 - Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Engineering College Kovilpatti, Tamil Nadu, India
Journal Publications
1) H Sharon, K Karuppasamy, D R Soban Kumar, A Sundaresan, A test on DI diesel engine fueled with methyl esters of used palm oil, Renewable Energy 47, 2012, 160-166
2) H Sharon, R Jayaprakash, M Karthigai selvan, D R Soban kumar, A Sundaresan, K Karuppasamy, Biodiesel production and prediction of engine performance using SIMULINK model of trained neural network, Fuel 99, 2012, 197-203
3) H Sharon, P Jai Shiva Ram, K Jenis Fernando, S Murali, R Muthusamy, Fueling a stationary direct injection diesel engine with diesel-used palm oil–butanol blends–An experimental study, Energy Conversion and Management 73, 2013, 95-105
4) K.S.Reddy, Madhusudan Kumar, T.K.Mallick, H.Sharon, S.Lokeswaran, A review of Integration, Control, Communication and Metering (ICCM) of renewable energy based smart grid, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2014, 38,180-192
5) K.S.Reddy, Tapas K.Mallick, T.Srihari Vikram, H.Sharon, Design and optimisation of elliptical hyperboloid concentrator with helical receiver, Solar Energy 2014, 108, 515-524
6) H Sharon, KS Reddy, A review of solar energy driven desalination technologies, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 41, 2015, 1080-1118
7) H Sharon, KS Reddy, Performance investigation and enviro-economic analysis of active vertical solar distillation units, Energy 84, 2015, 794-807
8) KS Reddy, H Sharon, Active multi-effect vertical solar still: Mathematical modelling, performance investigation and enviro-economic analyses, Desalination 395, 2016, 99-120
9) H Sharon, KS Reddy, D Krithika, Ligy Philip, Experimental performance investigation of tilted solar still with basin and wick for distillate quality and enviro-economic aspects, Desalination 410, 2017, 30-54.
10) KS Reddy, H Sharon, Energy-Environment-Economic Investigations on evacuated active multiple stage series flow solar distillation unit for potable water production. Energy Conversion and Management 151, 2017, 259-285.
11) KS Reddy, H Sharon, D Krithika, Ligy Philip, Performance, Water Quality and Enviro-Economic Investigations on Solar Distillation Treatment of Reverse Osmosis Reject and Sewage Water. Solar Energy 173, 2018, 160-172.
12) H. Sharon, KS Reddy, D Krithika, Ligy Philip, Viability assessment of solar distillation for desalination in coastal locations of Indian sub-continent – Thermodynamic, condensate quality and enviro-economic aspects. Solar Energy 197, 2020, 84-98.
13) H. Sharon, Energy, exergy and enviro-economic assessment of productivity enhanced passive double sided vertical convection solar distiller for fresh water production. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessment 42, 2020, 100846.
14) H Sharon, KS Reddy Shiva Gorjian. Parametric investigation and year round performance of a novel passive multi-chamber vertical solar diffusion still: Energy, exergy and enviro-economic aspects. Solar Energy 211, 2020, 831-846.
15) H. Sharon, D Krithika, KS Reddy, Ligy Philip. Thermal modeling, characterization, and enviro-economic investigations on inclined felt sheet solar distiller for seawater desalination. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2020).
16) Shiva Gorjian, H Sharon, Hossein Ebadi, Karunesh Kant, Fausto Bontempo Scavo, Giuseppe Marco Tina. Recent Technical Advancements, Economics and Environmental Impacts of Floating Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion Systems. Journal of Cleaner Production 278, 2021, 124285.
17) Sharon Hilarydoss. Suitability, sizing, economics, environmental impacts and limitations of solar photovoltaic water pumping system for groundwater irrigation—a brief review. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2021).
18) Shiva Gorjian, Barat Ghobadian, Farid Jalili Jamshidian, H. Sharon, Sajad Saadi. Performance Evaluation and Economics of a Locally-made Stand-alone Hybrid Photovoltaic-thermal Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis Unit. Cleaner Engineering and Technology (2021).
19) Shiva Gorjian, Hossein Ebadi, Max Trommsdorff, H. Sharon, Matthias Demant, Stephan Schindele. The advent of modern solar-powered electric agricultural machinery: A solution for sustainable farm operations. Journal of Cleaner Production 292, 2021, 126030.
20) H. Sharon. Energy, exergy, environmental benefits and economic aspects of novel hybrid solar still for sustainable water distillation. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 150, 2021, 1-21.
21) Krithika Delhiraja, H. Sharon, KS Reddy, Ligy Philip. Performance evaluation of solar thermal systems as an alternative for human waste treatment. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessment 47, 2021, 101393.
22) H. Sharon, C. Prabha, R. Vijay, A. Mohammed Niyas, Shiva Gorjian. Assessing suitability of commercial fibre reinforced plastic solar still for sustainable potable water production in rural India through detailed energy-exergy-economic analyses and environmental impacts. Journal of Environmental Management 295, 2021, 113034.
23) Hossein Ebadi, Shiva Gorjian, H. Sharon, J. Blanco-Galvez, A. Kumar. Investigation of design configurations and effective parameters on productivity enhancement of vertical diffusion solar stills. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 19, 2022, 6889-6924.
24) H. Sharon, M. Vivar, M. Fuentes. A review on role of solar photovoltaic (PV) modules in enhancing sustainable water production capacity of solar distillation units. Journal of Environmental Management 320, 2022, 115781.
25) Sharon Hilarydoss. Techno-enviro-economic assessment of novel hybrid Inclined-multi-effect vertical diffusion solar still for sustainable water distillation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022).
26) H. Sharon. A detailed review on sole and hybrid solar chimney based sustainable ventilation, power generation and potable water production systems. Energy Nexus 10, 2023, 100184.
Conference Publications
1) H Sharon, K Karuppasamy, DR Soban Kumar, A Sundaresan, Performance, emission and combustion analysis of a DI diesel engine fueled with methyl esters of waste frying oil (WFO), EDQUEST 2011, GCE Tirunelveli, March 22.
2) H Sharon, KS Reddy, Investigation on single slope vertical distillation unit. The 2nd International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Clean Water 2014; IIT Madras: Oct 23-24.
3) H Sharon, KS Reddy, Performance investigation of passive double-sided vertical solar still under various influencing factors. International Conference on Polygeneration 2015; Anna University Chennai: Feb 18 to 20.
4) H Sharon, KS Reddy, Performance investigation on vertical diffusion multi-effect solar still with parallel feed. 14th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies 2015; University of Nottingham, U.K: Aug 25-27.
5) KS Reddy, H Sharon, Performance investigation of combined solar desalination and hot water system. ISES Solar World Congress 2015; Exco, Korea: Nov 8-12, 2015 (ISES Solar World Congress Proceedings, Pg. 1-12, 2016) (
6) D Krithika, Philip Varghese, H Sharon, KS Reddy, Ligy Philip, Preliminary studies on treatment of black water by sustainable technology – a zero liquid discharge toilet. Indo-German Conference on Sustainability 2016; IIT Madras: Feb 27-28.
7) KS Reddy, H Sharon, Environmental benefits and Economic Feasibility of Single Effect and Multi Effect Active Vertical Solar Desalination Units, IEEES9 Conference 2017; Croatia: May 14-17.
8) H. Sharon, D. Krithika, K.S. Reddy, Ligy Philip, An experimental study on performance and quality aspects of solar domestic wastewater distillation for reuse and resource conservation, Desalination for the Environment Clean Water and Energy Conference 2018; Athens, Greece : September 3–6.
9) K.S. Reddy, H. Sharon, Indigenous Solar Desalination Technologies for Sustainable Potable Water Supply, 17th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies 2018; Wuhan, China: August 21 – 23.
10) Kevin George Thomas, Biswajit Nath, R. Joel Jackson, H. Sharon, Combustion Characteristics Assessment of Diesel Engine Fueled by Diesel-Butanol-Used Cooking Oil Biodiesel Blends, National Conference on Energy and Chemicals from Biomass 2019, Pondicherry: October 10-11, 2019 (AIP Conference Proceedings 2225, 030001 (2020);
11) C Prabha, SP Arunkumar, H Sharon, R Vijay, A Mohammed Niyas, P Stanley, K Sumanth Ratna. Performance and combustion analysis of diesel engine fueled by blends of diesel + pyrolytic oil from Polyalthia longifolia seeds. National Conference on Energy and Chemicals from Biomass 2019, Pondicherry: October 10-11, 2019 (AIP Conference Proceedings 2225, 030002 (2020);
12) H Sharon, K S Reddy, D Krithika, Ligy Philip, C Prabha, R Vijay, A Niyas Mohammed, Drupad Chand, Belmin Benny, Detailed Energy-Exergy-Environmental-Economics (4E) based evaluation of inclined solar distiller for sustainable desalination in coastal India, Recent Advancements in Chemical, Energy and Environmental Engineering 2020, Chennai: February 13-14.
13) Sharon Hilarydoss. Novel passive co-generation concept to generate potable water and electricity from solar photovoltaic module. International Desalination Environment and Sustainability (IDEAS) Conference 2024, Abu Dhabi, UAE :January 22-23.
1) KS Reddy, Ligy Philip, D Krithika, H Sharon, Renewable energy based closed loop sanitation system. Patent no: 329105 (Granted on 8th January 2020 by The Patent Office, Government of India)
Text & Reference Books
1a) H Sharon and K S Reddy. Solar Thermal Desalination Technologies for Potable Water (Exploring Viable Options for Reliable and Sustainable Water Production). ANE Books Pvt. Ltd., 2023, Delhi, India ( (South Asian Version)
H Sharon and K S Reddy. Solar Thermal Desalination Technologies for Potable Water (Exploring Viable Options for Reliable and Sustainable Water Production).
Springer International Publishing AG
, 2024, USA.(International Version) (
Book Chapters
1) KS Reddy, H Sharon, Energy and Environmental Analysis of Multi-Effect Active Vertical Solar Desalination for Indian Conditions, (Book: The Role of Exergy in Energy and the Environment) Springer, Cham 2018, 339-350
2) H. Sharon, R. Joel Jackson and C. Prabha, Impact of Diesel-Butanol-Waste Cooking Oil Biodiesel Blends on Stationary Diesel Engine Performance and Emission Characteristics, (Book: Recent Technologies for Enhancing Performance and Reducing Emissions in Diesel Engines) IGI Global, USA 2020
3) H. Sharon, P. Venkata Sai, K.S. Reddy. Energy and Exergy Performance Analysis of an Evacuated Multi-Stage Solar Water Desalination System. (Book: Solar Co-Generation of Electricity & Water, Large Scale Photovoltaic Systems) UNESCO-EOLSS, Paris, France
Awards & Honors
Shri J C Bose Patent Award -
Indian Institute of Technology Madras - July 2017
Institute Research Award - Indian Institute of Technology Madras - April 2017
Indian Institute of Technology Madras Alumni Travel Grant to attend ISES Solar World Congress in Daegu, South Korea - November 2015
Indian Institute of Technology Madras Institute Travel Grant to attend 14th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, United Kingdom - August 2015
Second Prize - Poster Presentation in International Level Technical Symposium Organized by Anna University Chennai and Central Leather Research Institute (CLRI) Chennai - February 2011
Invited Lecture
1. Invited Talk on "Techno-Enviro-Commercial aspects of indigenous solar desalination technologies for sustainable water production" in The Smarter E India Exhibition & Conference, Bengaluru - November 2019
2. Invited Talk on "Emerging Solar Energy Application" in Masterclass in Green Energy & Energy Storage Organised by Andhra Pradesh Innovation Society - December 2022
3. Invited Talk on "Solar Photovoltaic Energy Generation and Utilization for Sustainable Development" in ATAL Faculty Development Program Organized by Arjun College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu on 24 September 2024