Elizabeth Eldho
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities & Sciences
Room 316(B), 2nd Floor, AU College of Engineering Main Block, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh - 530003.
Telephone: 0891-285-6036
PhD (2023) Linguistics, IIT Madras
M.A (2016) Applied Linguistics, University of Hyderabad
B.A (2014) English, EFLU, Lucknow Campus
Professional Experience
Department of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, National Institute of Technology, Calicut (NIT Calicut), September 2023 - May 2024
Journal Publications
Eldho, E., & Kumar, R. (2024). Choice of language in the construction of cultural identity by
Tamil speakers in India. International Journal of Language and Culture, 10(1), 54-86. John
Eldho, E., & Kumar, R. (2021). The Dynamics of Democratization of English Language Education in
Tamil Nadu, 10(20), 42-48. Language and Language Teaching.
Book Chapters
Eldho, E., & Kumar, R. (2024). From Black Board to White Board and Beyond: The Role of ICTs in
reforming English Language classrooms. In Ruchi Kaushik & A.L Khanna (Eds.), Critical Issues in ELT
(pp. 285-297).Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003538479