Prof Vijaya Kumar Kopparapu
Professor, Department of Earth Sciences
Research Interest:
- Geochemistry of Earth’s material
- Geochemical Exploration of Uranium deposits
- Tectonics, Supercontinent cycles and Crustal Evolution
Room – 304
Department of Earth Sciences
Indian Institute of Petroleum & Energy
2nd Floor, AU Engineering College, Main Block
Andhra University
Andhra Pradesh – 530003
Email: vijaykumar.es@iipe.ac.in
Telephone: 0891-285-6054
Teaching Interests
- Geochemistry/Advanced Geochemistry
- Mineralogy and Igneous Petrology
- Economic Geology and Geochemical Exploration
- Geology and Tectonics of India
- Tectonics and Crustal Evolution
- Plate Tectonics and Petroleum Deposits
- M.Sc. (Geology) – Osmania University, Hyderabad (1990)
- Ph.D. (Geology) – Osmania University, Hyderabad (1995)
Professional Experience
- 1996-2005 – Lecturer, SRTM University, Nanded, Maharashtra
- 2005-2008 – Reader, SRTM University, Nanded, Maharashtra
- 2008-2011 – Associate Professor, SRTM University, Nanded, Maharashtra
- 2011-23.02.2022 – Professor, SRTM University, Nanded, Maharashtra
- 24.02.2022-To Date – Professor, IIPE, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
Member of Professional Bodies
- Fellow of Geological Society of India
- Life Member of Indian Science Congress
- Life Member of Indian Association of Geochemists
- Member of American Institute of Professional Geologists
Journal Publications
Selected Publications:
- Laxman, B. More, Nagaraju, B., Nagaraju, K. and Vijaya Kumar, K. (2022) Spatial Variations in the Geochemical Characteristics of Basalts from the Deccan Volcanic Province, India: Role of Mixing and Assimilation Fractional Crystallization. Jour. Earth. Sys. Sci., (Accepted).
- Vijaya Kumar, K., Leelanandam, C. and Ernst, W.G. (2021) Evolution of the Eastern Ghats Belt, A magmatic perspective. Jour. Geol. Soc. India, v. 97, p. 217.
- Radhakrishna, T. and Vijaya Kumar, K. (2020) Palaeoproterozoic mafic magmatism in the Indian Shield: Petrologic, Geochemical and Thermal constraints on Proterozoic Mantle. Episodes, v. 43, pp. 187-202.
- Vijaya Kumar, K., Ernst, W.G., Leelanandam, C., and Wooden, J.L. (2019) SHRIMP U-Pb ages of zircons from mafic granulites of the Eastern Ghats Belt, SE India: Implications for the evolution of the Palaeoproterozoic arc crust. Jour. Asian Earth Sciences, v. 177, pp. 198-219.
- Gaurav J. Kokandakar, Sachin S. Ghodke, Laxman, B. More, Nagaraju, B., Munjaji V. Bhosle, Sawant, S.S., Rathna, K., and Vijaya Kumar, K. (2019) Uranium and Thorium Anomalies in the ~2.5 Ga Vendodu Leucogranite, Nellore Schist Belt, SE India and its Potential to Generate Uranium Deposits. Jour. Geol. Soc. India, v. 93, pp. 171–176.
- Sachin S. Ghodke, Rathna, K., Gaurav J. Kokandakar, Nagaraju, Laxman B. More, Munjaji Bhosle and Vijay Kumar, K. (2018) Emplacement and growth of alkaline dykes: insights from the shonkinite dykes (Elchuru alkaline Complex, SE India). Jour. Structural Geology, v. 117, pp. 219–236.
- Vijaya Kumar, K., Laxman, B. More and Nagaraju, K. (2018) Mantle Source Heterogeneity in Continental Mafic Large Igneous Provinces: Insights from the Panjal, Rajmahal and Deccan Basalts, India. From: SENSARMA, S. & STOREY, B. C. (eds) Large Igneous Provinces from Gondwana and Adjacent Regions. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 463, https://doi.org/10.1144/SP463.5
- Gaurav J. Kokandakar, Sachin S. Ghodke, Rathna, K., Laxman, B. More, Nagaraju, B., Munjaji V. Bhosle and Vijaya Kumar, K. (2018) Density, Viscosity and Velocity (ascent rate) of Alkaline Magmas. Jour. Geol. Soc. India, v. 91, pp. 135–146.
- Nagaraju, B., Sachin S. Ghodke, Rathna, K., Gaurav J. Kokandakar, Laxman, B. More, Munjaji V. Bhosle and Vijaya Kumar, K. (2018) Fractal analysis of In Situ Host Rock Nepheline Syenite Xenoliths in a Shonkinite Dyke (The Elchuru Alkaline Complex, SE India). Jour. Geol. Soc. India, v. 91, pp. 263–272.
- Laxman, B. More and Vijaya Kumar, K. (2018) Geochemical Evidences for Possible Absence of Cu-Sulfide Deposits in Deccan Volcanic Province, India. Jour. Geol. Soc. India, v. 92, pp. 393–403.
- Sawant, S.S., Vijaya Kumar, K. and 4 others (2017). Geochemistry and Genesis of Craton derived sediments from active continental margins: Insights from the Mizoram foreland basin, NE India. Chemical Geology, v. 470, pp. 13–32
- Vijaya Kumar, K., Rathna, K. and Leelanandam, C. (2015) Proterozoic Subduction-related and Continental Rift-zone Mafic Magmas from the Eastern Ghats Belt, SE India: Geochemical Characteristics and Mantle Sources. Current Science, (Special issue on Geochemistry edited by V. Rajamani) v. 108, pp. 184-197.
- Vijaya Kumar, K. Ernst, W.G. and Leelanandam, C. (2013) Geochronologic and Tectonic Evolution of the Eastern Ghats Belt, India. DST-DCS News Letter, January 2013, pp. 10-1
- Vijaya Kumar, K. Ernst, W.G., Leelanandam, C., Wooden, J.L. and Grove, M.J. (2011) Origin of ~ 2.5 Ga K-rich Leucogranite: SHRIMP U-Pb Evidence from the Nellore Schist Belt, SE India. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 162, pp. 867-888.
- Vijaya Kumar, K. Leelanandam, C., Ernst, W.G., (2011) Formation and Fragmentation of the Paleoproterozoic Supercontinent Columbia: Evidence from the Eastern Ghats Granulite Belt, SE India: International Geologic Review, v. 53, pp. 1297-1311.
- Vijaya Kumar, K. Ernst, W.G., Leelanandam, C., Wooden, J.L. and Grove, M.J. (2010) First Paleoproterozoic ophiolite from Gondwana: Geochronologic–geochemical documentation of ancient oceanic crust from Kandra, SE India. Tectonophysics, v. 487, pp. 22-32.
- Vijaya Kumar, K. and 9 others (2010) Geochemical investigation of a semi-continuous extrusive basaltic section from the Deccan Volcanic Province, India: implications for the mantle and magma chamber processes. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., v. 159, pp. 839-852.
- Vijaya Kumar, K. and Leelanandam, C. (2008) Evolution of the Eastern Ghats Belt, India: a plate tectonic perspective. Jour. Geol. Soc. India, v. 72, pp. 720-749.
- Vijaya Kumar, K. and Rathna, K. (2008) Geochemistry of the mafic dykes in the Prakasam Alkaline Province of Eastern Ghats Belt, India: implications for the genesis of continental rift zone magmatism. Lithos, v. 104, pp. 306-326.
- Ratnakar, J., Vijaya Kumar, K. and Rathna, K. (2008) A Geochemical Analysis of the Alkaline Mafic Dykes in the Environs of the Prakasam Alkaline Province, Eastern Ghats Belt, India. In: Indian Dykes, Eds. R.K. Srivatsava, N.V. Chalapati Rao and Ch. Sivaji, Narosa Publications, New Delhi, pp. 291-308.
- Krishnamacharyulu, S. K. G., Vijaya Kumar, K. and Ch. Sivaji (2008) Gravity and magnetic anomalies over a system of multiple dykes. In: Indian Dykes, Eds. R.K. Srivatsava, N.V. Chalapati Rao and Ch. Sivaji, Narosa Publications, New Delhi, pp. 319-329.
- Vijaya Kumar, K., Carol D. Frost, Ronald Frost, B. and Chamberlain, R. (2007) The Chimakurti, Errakonda, and Uppalapadu plutons, Eastern Ghats Belt, India: An unusual association of tholeiitic and alkaline magmatism. Lithos, v. 97, pp. 30-57.
- Leelanandam, C. and Vijaya Kumar, K. (2007) Petrogenesis and Tectonic Setting of the Chromitites and Chromite-bearing Ultramafic Cumulates of the Kondapalli Layered Complex, Eastern Ghats Belt, India: Evidences from the textural, mineral-chemical and whole-rock geochemical studies. In: Indian Continental Crust and Upper Mantle, Eds. C. Leelanandam, I. B. Ramprasada Rao, Ch. Sivaji and M. Santosh, IAGR Mem. 10 (in honour of T. M. Mahadevan), 89-107.
- Krishnamacharyulu, S. K. G. and Vijaya Kumar, K. (2007) Gravity interpretation of the southern part of the Prakasam Alkaline Province, Eastern Ghat belt, India. Journal of Geophysics, v. XXVIII, pp. 25-31
- Vijaya Kumar, K., Reddy, M. N. and Leelanandam, C. (2006) Dynamic melting of the Precambrian mantle: Evidences from rare earth elements of the amphibolites from the Nellore-Khammam schist belt, South India. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol, v. 152, pp. 243-256.
- Vijaya Kumar, K. (2006) Mantle melting models: an overview. Deep Continental Studies in India, Newsletter, v. 16, pp. 2-10.
- Leelanandam, C. and Vijaya Kumar, K. (2004) Rare earth element geochemistry of the Kondapalli layered complex, Andhra Pradesh, India. Jour. Geol. Soc. India, v. 64, pp. 251-264.
- Krishnamacharyulu, S. K. G. and Vijaya Kumar, K. (2004) Petrophysical and Geophysical studies: Chimakurti and Uppalapadu plutons, Prakasam province, Andhra Pradesh, India. Deep Continental Studies in India, Newsletter, v. 14, pp. 18-20.
- Vijaya Kumar, K. and Ratnakar, J. (2001) Petrogenesis of the Ravipadu gabbro pluton, Prakasam province, Andhra Pradesh. Jour. Geol. Soc. India, v. 57, pp. 113-140.
- Rathna, K., Vijaya Kumar, K. and Ratnakar, J. (2000) Discussion and Reply on Petrology of the dykes of Ravipadu, Prakasam province, Andhra Pradesh, India. Jour. Geol. Soc. India, v. 56, pp. 512.
- Rathna, K., Vijaya Kumar, K. and Ratnakar, J. (2000) Petrology of the dykes of Ravipadu, Prakasam province, Andhra Pradesh, India. Jour. Geol. Soc. India, v. 55, pp. 399-412.
- Vijaya Kumar, K. and Ratnakar, J. (1998) Mineral chemistry and genesis of phlogopites from the Gabbros of Ravipadu, Prakasam Province, Andhra Pradesh, India. Jour. Geol. Soc. India, v. 53, pp.39-48.
- Babu, E.V.S.S.K. and Vijaya Kumar, K. Pyle, D. M. (1997) Spinel (hercynite) adcumulate from the Chimakurti gabbro-anorthosite pluton, Prakasam District, Andhra Pradesh, India: Evidence for plagioclase buoyancy and magma mixing. Current Science, v. 73, pp.441-444.
- Vijaya Kumar, K. and Ratnakar, J. (1996) Accumulated and fractionated anorthosites from the Ravipadu gabbro pluton, Prakasam province, Andhra Pradesh, India. Current Science, v.70, pp.733-737.
- Ratnakar, J. and Vijaya Kumar, K. (1995) Petrogenesis of quartz-bearing syenite occurring within nepheline syenite of the Elchuru alkaline complex, Prakasam province, Andhra Pradesh, India. Jour. Geol. Soc. India, v.46, pp.611-618.
- Ratnakar, J., Rama Krishna, D.V., Vijaya Kumar, K., Sharma, V.N. and Babu, E.V.S.S.K. (1992) A new occurrence of alkaline lamprophyre from Kellampalle, Prakasam District, Andhra Pradesh, India. Current Science, v.63, pp.569-571.
Conference Publications
Selected Publications:
- Vijaya Kumar, K. (2019) Earth Systems and their interaction: A Geochemists’s perspective. FIGA Abstracts Volume, Hyderabad, India.
- Sachin S. Ghodke, K. Rathna and Vijaya Kumar, K. (2017) Mantle source control on primitive magma geochemistry: Evidences from four distinct mafic dykes. 2nd National Geo-Research Scholars Meet, Dehradun, Abstract Volume, pp.63.
- Gaurav J. Kokandakar, K. Rathna, Sachin S. Ghodke and Vijaya Kumar, K. (2017) Emplacement velocities of Hydrous alkaline mafic magmas. 2nd National Geo-Research Scholars Meet, Dehradun, Abstract Volume, pp.73.
- Laxman B. More and Vijaya Kumar, K. (2017) Multiple mantle sources for mafic continental large igneous provinces (C-LIPs): Insights from Panjal, Rajmahal and Deccan Basalts, India. 2nd National Geo-Research Scholars Meet, Dehradun, Abstract Volume, pp.83.
- Nagaraju, B., Sachin S. Ghodke, Rathna, K. and Vijaya Kumar, K. (2017) Fractal Analysis of in situ host rock Nepheline Syenite Xenoliths in Shonkinite Dyke from Elchuru Alkaline Complex, SE India. 2nd National Geo-Research Scholars Meet, Dehradun, Abstract Volume, pp.84.
- Munjaji V. Bhosle and Vijaya Kumar, K. (2017) Petrography and Geochemistry of Paleoproterozoic oceanic crust: The Kandra Ophiolite Complex, SE India. 2nd National Geo-Research Scholars Meet, Dehradun, Abstract Volume, pp.49.
- Abhijeet Dixit and Vijaya Kumar, K. (2016) Origin of Granites: A Synthesis of Experimental Work. Hutton India conference, Hyderabad, Abstract Volume, pp. 24.
- Vijaya Kumar, K. and Leelanandam, C. (2016) Granites and Granites and some more Granites. Hutton India conference, Hyderabad, Abstract Volume, pp. 19.
- Vijaya Kumar, K. and Gaurav J. Kokandakar (2016) Sanukitoid-Tonalite-Leucogranite Association at the Archean-Proterozoic Boundary: Case study from Nellore Schist Belt, SE India. Hutton India conference, Hyderabad, Abstract Volume, pp. 16.
- Laxman, M., Zubair, M., Pritam, S., Jafar P. and K. Vijaya Kumar (2015) Copper Deposits in the Deccan Volcanic Province: Is it a Case of Non-formation or Non-exploration? National Seminar on Environmental, Geological, Geographical, Geophysical aspects: South East Deccan Traps. SRTMU, Nanded, Abstract Volume, pp. 36.
- Nagaraju, K. and K. Vijaya Kumar (2015) Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of Basalts from the SE Deccan Volcanic Province. National Seminar on Environmental, Geological, Geographical, Geophysical aspects: South East Deccan Traps. SRTMU, Nanded, Abstract Volume, pp. 30.
- Chavan, C.D. and K. Vijaya Kumar (2015) Weathering of Deccan Basalts: A Geochemical Perspective. National Seminar on Environmental, Geological, Geographical, Geophysical aspects: South East Deccan Traps. SRTMU, Nanded, Abstract Volume, pp. 16.
- Vijaya Kumar, K. (2015) Source vs. Process Control on Magma Geochemistry: Some Indian Examples. National Workshop on Continental Crust and Cover Sequences in the Evolution of Indian Sub-Continent. NCESS, Trivandrum, Abstract Volume, pp. 17.
- Rathna, K., Sachin S. Ghodke, Gaurav J. Kokandakar and Vijaya Kumar, K. (2015) Contrasting magma differentiation trends: role of parental melt composition. National Workshop on Continental Crust and Cover Sequences in the Evolution of Indian Sub-Continent. NCESS, Trivandrum, Abstract Volume, pp. 75.
- Leelanandam, C. and Vijaya Kumar, K. (2015) The Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt, India. Regional Brain Storming Session on 36th IGC: A Unique Opportunity for Advancement in Geosciences. GSI, Hyderabad, Abstract Volume, pp. 55-59.
- Krishnamacharyulu, S.K.G. and Vijaya Kumar, K. (2013) Gravity and Magnetic Studies on Cospatial and Coeval Mesoproterozoic Plutons, Prakasam Alkaline Province, India. 75th EAGE Conference, London, DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.20130956.
- Vijaya Kumar, K. Leelanandam, C., and Ernst, W.G. (2013) The Eastern Ghats Belt. Dharwars to Deccan traps: An Integrated Geoscientific Approach, SRTM University, Nanded, Abstract Volume, pp. 87-89.
- Vijaya Kumar, K. (2013) The joy of doing science: Random thoughts of an Earth Scientist. INSPIRE talks, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam Abstract Volume, pp. XX.
- Vijaya Kumar, K. (2012) Evolution of the Indian Continental Plate: Evidences from ARCs and DARCs. Workshop on Goals of Solid Earth Geosciences in India in the next decade, IIT Kharagpaur, Abstracts, pp. 6.
- Vijaya Kumar, K. (2012) The joy of doing science: Random thoughts of an Earth Scientist. INSPIRE talks, Abstract Volume, Shivaji College, Nagpur, pp. 10.
- Vijaya Kumar, K. Ernst, W.G., and Leelanandam, C., (2011) Opening and closing of a Mesoproterozoic Ocean along the SE margin of India: Textural, Cathodoluminescence and SHRIMP analyses of Zircon. Abstract V14B-07, American Geophysical Union 2011 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA (December 5 – 9, 2011).
- Vijaya Kumar, K. (2011) Mantle melting mechanisms in Deccan Volcanic Province and other large igneous provinces: some random thoughts. Discussion-based National Workshop on Critical appraisal of plume and alternate hypothesis into the origin of melting anomalies: perspectives and prospects of research in India, University of Lucknow, Lucknow (March 15-16, 2011), Abstract volume, pp. 3-5.
- Vijaya Kumar, K. (2011) Ophiolites, large igneous provinces and a Supercontinet: A Paleoproterozoic perspective. Discussion-based National Workshop on Critical appraisal of plume and alternate hypothesis into the origin of melting anomalies: perspectives and prospects of research in India, University of Lucknow, Lucknow (March 15-16, 2011), Abstract volume, pp. 11-12.
- Leelanandam, C. and Vijaya Kumar, K. (2010) Play of plate tectonics in SE India : clues from petrological and geochemical studies. 7th Annual Meeting of AOGS (Asia Oceania Geosciences Society), Solid Earth – SE09 Session titled ‘Suture Zones and Geodynamic Processes’ 5-9 July 2010, Hyderabad (abstract).
- Chavan C., Sawant, S.S., Nagaraju, K., Balaram, V. and Vijaya Kumar, K. (2010) Geochemical and petrophysical studies on basaltic formations of eastern Deccan Volcanic Province, India: Implications for the mantle and magma chamber processes. 7th Annual Meeting of AOGS (Asia Oceania Geosciences Society), Solid Earth – SE09 Session titled ‘Suture Zones and Geodynamic Processes’ 5-9 July 2010, Hyderabad (SE05-A034).
- Vijaya Kumar, K. Ernst, W.G., Leelanandam, C., Wooden, J.L. and Grove, M.J. (2009) Origin of leucogranite at the Archean-Proterozoic boundary: SHRIMP U-Pb evidence from Eastern Ghats Belt, SE India. Amer. Geophy. Union Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA.
- Vijaya Kumar, K. Ernst, W.G., Leelanandam, C., Wooden, J.L. and Grove, M.J. (2009) Geochronologic-geochemical documentation of a Paleoproterozoic ophiolite from SE India. Geol. Soc. Amer. Abstracts with programs, v. 41, No. 7, p. 337.
- Vijaya Kumar, K. Ernst, W.G., Leelanandam, C., Wooden, J.L. and Grove, M.J. (2009) Assembly and Fragmentation of the Proterozoic Supercontinents Columbia and Rodinia: New U-Pb age data from the Eastern Ghats Belt, India. Geol. Soc. Amer. Abstracts with programs, v. 41, No. 7, p. 115.
- Ratnakar, J., Zaitsev, V., Srinivas, M., Vijaya Kumar, K. and Rathna, K. (2009) Mesoproterozoic nepheline syenite complexes of the Prakasam Alkaline Province, Andhra Pradesh, India. International Conference on geochemistry of magmatic rocks: geochemistry of alkaline rocks, 11-15, May 2009, Moscow, Russia.
- Vijaya Kumar, K. and Leelanandam, C. (2008) A plate tectonic appraisal of the Eastern Ghats Belt, India. National Symposium On Geodynamics and Evolution of Indian Shield – Through time and space, CESS, Tiruvananthapuram, Abstract volume, pp. 80-81.
- Ratnakar, J., Vijaya Kumar, K. and Rathna, K. (2008) Meso-Proterozoic rifting and Grenviille/Pan-African collision in the Prakasam Alkaline Province, Andhra Pradesh, Southern India: Evidences from Nepheline Syenite Complexes. International Association for Gondwana Research Conference Series 5, pp. 194-195.
- Vijaya Kumar, K., Narsimha Reddy, M. N. and Leelanandam, C. (2006) Geochemical consequences of dynamic melting of the upper mantle. National Seminar on “Origin and Evolution of the Deep Continental Crust” sponsored by Dept. of Science and Technology, University of Pune, Abstracts, p. 50.
- Vijaya Kumar, K. and Leelanandam, C. (2006) Crustal Growth in Magmatic Arcs: The Kondapalli Arc, Eastern Ghats Belt, India. National Seminar on “Active and Fossil Suture Zones” organized by Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehradun, Abstracts, pp. 119-120.
- Ratnakar, J., Vijaya Kumar, K. and Rathna, K. (2006) The Purimetla alkaline complex: a DARC from Precambrian suture zone, Prakasam alkaline province, Andhra Pradesh, S India. National Seminar on “Active and Fossil Suture Zones” organized by Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehradun, Abstracts, pp. 122-124.
- Krishnamacharyulu, S. K. G., Basavaiah, N. and Vijaya Kumar, K. (2006) Genesis of ferrosyenite from the Prakasam Alkaline Province, Eastern Ghats Belt, India: Insights from AMS and Gravity. IGU 43rd Annual convention and Meeting on Geophysical Techniques in Mineral Exploration and Exploitation, Dhanbad, Abstracts, p. 48.
- Vijaya Kumar, K. and Rathna, K. (2006) Mafic dykes from the Prakasam province, Eastern Ghats Belt, India, Group Discussion on “The Evolution of the Indian Continental Crust and Upper Mantle: Recent Advances and Future Thrust” sponsored by Dept. of Science and Technology, Hyderabad, Abstracts, p.79.
- Krishnamacharyulu, S. K. G., Krishna, B. Deshpande, Swamy, K. V. and Vijaya Kumar, K. (2004) Magnetic model of the Chimakurti-Uppalapadu plutons, Prakasam Province, Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt, IGU 41st Annual convention and Meeting on Inter and Intraplate Seismicity in India: Present Knowledge and Future Strategy, Hyderabad, Abstracts, p.63.
- Krishnamacharyulu, S. K. G. and Vijaya Kumar, K. (2003) Preliminary gravity modeling of Mesoproterozoic Chimakurti-Uppalapadu plutons, Prakasam District, Andhra Pradesh. IGU 40th Annual convention and Meeting on Recent advances & future strategies in geoscientific exploration, Chennai, Abstracts, pp.46-47.
- Vijaya Kumar, K., Frost, C. D. and Frost, B. R. (2001) Deeply eroded massif anorthosite and nepheline syenite of the Chimakurti-Uppalapadu plutons, Peninsular India: Cospatial but not comagmatic. EOS (Transactions of American Geophysical Union), Fall meeting, Suppl., Abstract V32E-1038.
- Ratnakar, J. and Vijaya Kumar, K. (1998) Basic magmatism in the Prakasam alkaline province, Andhra Pradesh, India. National Seminar on conceptual models on the evolution granite-greenstone belts, granulite terrains and associated mineral deposits, Abstracts, Indian Mineralogist, v. 32, pp. 29-30.
- Sharma, V. N., Rama Krishna, D.V., Vijaya Kumar, K. and Ratnakar, J. (1996) Mantle magma induced crustal melting in the Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt: A case study of Chanduluru gabbro-syenite complex, Andhra Pradesh, India. 30th IGC (International Geological Congress), Beijing, China, Abstracts, v.2, p. 403.
- Rama Krishna, D.V., Sharma, V. N., Vijaya Kumar, K. and Ratnakar, J. (1996) The Kellampalle gabbro pluton, Prakasam province, Andhra Pradesh, India: A set example for tectonomagmatic evolution of Eastern Ghat Mobile Belt. 30th IGC (International Geological Congress), Beijing, China, Abstracts, v. 2, p. 402.
- Vijaya Kumar, K. and Ratnakar, J. (1995) The Prakasam Province, Andhra Pradesh: A case study of tectonomagmatism in the deep Precambrian continental crust of South India. Precambrian 95, Montreal, Abstracts,
- Vijaya Kumar, K. and Ratnakar, J. (1994) The gabbro-anorthosite complex of Ravipadu, Prakasam province, Andhra Pradesh, India. National Seminar on Anorthosites and Related rocks, Annamalainagar, Abstracts, p.5.
- Ratnakar, J. and Vijaya Kumar, K. (1994) The Ravipadu gabbros, Prakasam province, Andhra Pradesh. Workshop on Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt, Visakhapatnam, Abstracts, pp.30-31.
Book Chapters
- Vijaya Kumar, K. and Rathna, K. (2014) Geochemical Modeling of Melting and Cumulus Processes: A Theoretical Approach. In Santosh Kumar and R. N. Singh (Eds.) Modelling of Magmatic and Allied Processes, Springer International Publications (Switzerland), Chapter 3, pp. 47-73.
Research Projects
- SERC Young Scientist Project by DST [PI]
(Petrogenesis of the Kondapalli Layered Complex, Andhra Pradesh, India)
(March, 1998-Feb, 2000)
- DST Major Project [Co-PI]
(Infrastructure of the Chimakurti - Uppalapadu plutons: Gravity and Magnetic studies on an unusual Mesoproterozoic anorthosite-nepheline syenite association)
(Dec, 2002-March, 2007)
- DST Major Project [PI]
(Crustal Growth along Proterozoic SE India: Parameterization of Mantle Sources, Melting Mechanisms and Magma Differentiation Processes)
(July, 2015-June, 2019)
- UGC SAP (DRS – II) Project [Coordinator]
(Studies on Geological, Gechemical, Geophysical and Environmental aspects of SE Deccan Volcanic Province)
(March, 2016-March, 2021)
- DST – FIST Level II [Coordinator]
(GODAVARI RIVER BASIN: An Integrated Scientific Study and its Societal Relevance)
(April, 2021-April, 2026)
Awards & Honors
BOYSCAST Fellowship by Govt. of India (University of Wyoming, USA from
March 2001 to May 2002)- IUSSTF Research Fellowship from Indo-US Science and Technology Forum (Stanford University, USA from October 2008 to December 2009)
- JGSI-Radhakrishna Award (TWICE) for best research paper published in Journal Geological Society of India (2008 and 2018)
- National Geoscience Award by Ministry of Mines, Govt. of India for outstanding research in Basic Geosciences (2011)
- Best Teacher Award by SRTM University, Nanded (2013)
- Best Teacher Award by Indian National Science Academy (INSA), New Delhi (2018)
Administrative Responsibilities:
- 2010 – 2011: Coordinator, International Students Centre (SRTM University, Nanded)
- 2012 – 2013: Dean, Research and Innovation (SRTM University, Nanded)
- 2016 – 2022: Member, Board of Studies (SRTM University, Nanded)
- 2016 – 2022: Member, Research Allocation Committee (SRTM University, Nanded)
- 2016 – 2022: Member, Research Recognition Committee (SRTM University, Nanded)
- 2016 – 2022: Head, Department of Geology (SRTM University, Nanded)
- 2018 – To date: Member, Research Advisory Council (IIG, Mumbai)
- 2019 – 2021: Director, School of Earth Sciences (SRTM University, Nanded)
- 2020 – 2021: Member, Management Council (SRTM University, Nanded)
- 2021 – To date: Member, Exploration Research Advisory Council (AMD, Hyderabad)
- 2022 – To date: Dean (Research & Development), (IIPE, Visakhapatnam)
Phd Students:
Post-Doctoral Fellow:
- Dr. K. Rathna (2012-2017)
- Krishna Deshpande (2012)
- K. Nagaraju (2012)
- S. S. Sawant (2012)
- Chakradhar Chavan (2012)
- Sachin S. Ghodke (2020)
- Gaurav J. Kokandkar (2020)
- B. Nagaraju (2020)
- Munjaji V. Bhosle (2020)
- Ganpat Surve (2021)
- Laxman B. More (Submitted)
- Abhijeet Dixit (In progress)
- Tejas Patil (In progress)
Invited Lecture
- Nainital University
- Osmania University
- Stanford University
- University of Wyoming
- Public School in USA
- NGRI, Hyderabad
- RTM University, Nagpur
- Andhra University, Visakhapatnam
- IIG, Mumbai
- NCESS, Trivandrum
- GSITI, Hyderabad, Nagpur
- RGUKT, Hyderabad
- Many Colleges
- Journal of Geological Society of India
- Tectonophysics
- Lithos
- Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
- Journal of Earth System Sciences
- Island Arc
- Gondwana Research