Somnath Ghosh
Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry
Research Interest:
Bio-compatible Nanomaterial : Synthesis, Characterization and their bactericidal action
Biofilm prevention and wound healing actvity by smart Nanomaterial
C-based Nanomaterial for energy application
Photo-physical properties of Nanomaterials
Teaching Interests
Course Details
BS20001: Physical Chemistry
CH10001: Polymers and Surfactants
CH40008: Nanomaterial for Hydrocarbon Industry
BS19002: Physical Chemistry-Lab
BS19012: Organic Chemistry-Lab
2007 - 2012 PhD IISc Bangalore
2005 - 2007 M.Sc. Chemistry IIT Delhi
2002 - 2005 B.Sc. Chemistry (Hons) University of Calcutta
Professional Experience
Jul' 2019 - IIPE Visakhapatnam Assistant Professor
Jun' 2018 - Jul' 2019 IIPE Visakhapatnam Assistant Professor (Contractual)
Jun' 2013 - Jun'2018 GITAM University Assistant Professor
Dec' 2012 - Jun' 2013 IISc Bangalore Research Associate
Member of Professional Bodies
Life-time member of Indian Chemical Society
Reviewer of (i) J. Mater. Sci. Engg. B, Elsevier Publication (ii) Chemistry Select, Wiley Publication (iii) J. Nanoparticle Research, Springer Publication (iv) Acs Applied materials & interfaces, Acs Publication (v) Mater. Sci. & Engg. C, Elsevier Publication (vi) Water and Environment Journal, Wiley Publication
Associate Editor of Juniper online Journal of Material Science, California/USA
Journal Publications
22. Aarcha Shanmugha Mary, Maruthupandy Muthuchamy, Muneeswaran Thillaichidambaram, Sinuk Lee, Barath Sivaraj, Sharayu Magar, Somnath Ghosh, Chitrali Laha Roy, Srivignesh Sundaresan, Meganathan Kannan, Sutharsan Govindarajan, Wan-Seob Cho,* and Kaushik Rajaram* "Formulation of Dual-Functional Nonionic Cetomacrogol Creams Incorporated with Bacteriophage and Human Platelet Lysate for Effective Targeting of MDR P. aeruginosa and Enhanced Wound Healing" ACS Appl. Bio Mater. 2024, (Accepted)
21. Aarcha Shanmugha Mary, Abishek Mani, Somnath Ghosh, Kaushik Rajaram* "Phage embedded gelatin, alginate and gelatin/alginate-starch based hydrogels for topical bactericidal applications against multi-drug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa" J. Indian Chem. Soc. 2024, 101, 101272-101280.
20. Phulladweepa Patra, Sourav Laha,* and Somnath Ghosh* "Exfoliated Cobalt-Doped Manganese Oxide Nanosheets: An Efficient and Stable Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in an Alkaline Medium" ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2024, 7, 3577−3589.
19. Gouri Sankar Das, Rajarshi Panigrahi, Somnath Ghosh, Kumud Malika Tripathi "Waste frying oil derived carbon nano-onions as a cost-effective cathode material for high-voltage zinc-ion hybrid supercapacitors" Materials Today Sustainability 2024, 25, 100656-100663.
18. Raghavendra Maddirala, Himangshu Kakati, Rohit Shukla, Rajat Jain, Somnath Ghosh, Deepak Amban Mishra, Ranjan Pramanik, Aditya Dhanraj, Premananda Dey, A.K. Dubey, Archana Sharma "Investigating the impact of pulsed plasma-based shockwave technology on the characteristics of Indian crude oil" Geoenergy Science and Engineering 2024, 233, 212531.
17. Nisha Dhiman, Vivek Sharma, Somnath Ghosh* "Perspective on Biomass-Based Cotton-Derived Nanocarbon for Multifunctional Energy Storage and Harvesting Applications" ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 2023 (Accepted).
16. Nisha Dhiman, Somnath Ghosh, Yogendra K Mishra, Kumud Malika Tripathi "Prospects of Nano-carbon as Emerging Catalyst for the Enzyme-Mimetic Applications" Materials Advances 2022, 3, 3101-3122.
15. T R K Dora, Somnath Ghosh, R Damodar "Synthesis and evaluation of physical properties of Agar bio-polymer film coating—an alternative for food packaging industry" Materials Research Express 2020, 7 (9), 095307.
14. S I Basha, Somnath Ghosh*, K Vinothkumar, B Ramesh, K V M Mohan, E Sukumar* "Fumaric acid incorporated Ag/agar-agar hybrid hydrogel: a multifunctional avenue to tackle wound healing" Materials Science and Engineering: C 2020, 111, 110743.
13. B K Goriparthi, P N E Naveen, H R Shankar, Somnath Ghosh* "Mechanical, wear and fatigue behavior of functionalized CNTs reinforced POM/PTFE composites" Materials Research Express 2019, 6 (6), 065051.
12. S I Basha, Somnath Ghosh, K V Kumar, B Ramesh, P Kumari, H Prakash, E. Sukumar* "Synthesis, characterization and antibacterial activity of fumaric acid incorporated silver nanoparticle hydrogel" J. Indian Chem. Soc. 2019, 96 (11), 1409.
11. B K Goriparthi, P N E Naveen, H R Sankar, Somnath Ghosh* "Effect of functionalization and concentration of carbon nanotubes on mechanical, wear and fatigue behaviours of polyoxymethylene/carbon nanotube nanocomposites" Bulletin of Materials Science 2019, 42 (3), 98.
Before Joining IIPE
10. Somnath Ghosh*, V Vandana "Nano-structured mesoporous silica/silver composite: Synthesis, characterization and targeted application towards water purification" Materials Research Bulletin 2017, 88, 291.
09. Vandana V, K R Rao Ch, Somnath Ghosh, Babia L "Synthesis of Calophyllum inophyllum Esters as Biofuel Feed stock" JOJ Material Sci. 2017; 2(2): 555583.
08. Somnath Ghosh*, Vandana, R. Gowri Shankar "Curious case of bactericidal action of ZnO" Journal of Nanoscience 2014, Article ID 343467
07. V Venkatesan, S L Hoti, N Kamaraj, Somnath Ghosh, K Rajaram "Optimisation of an asymmetric polymerase chain reaction assay for the amplification of single-stranded DNA from Wuchereria bancrofti for electrochemical detection" Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 2013, 108 (6), 804.
06. S Kumar, Somnath Ghosh, N Munichandraiah, H N Vasan "1.5 V battery driven reduced graphene oxide–silver nanostructure coated carbon foam (rGO–Ag–CF) for the purification of drinking water" Nanotechnology 2013, 24 (23), 235101.
05. Somnath Ghosh, V. S. Goudar, K. G. Padmalekha, S. V. Bhat, S. S. Indi, H N Vasan "ZnO/Ag nanohybrid: synthesis, characterization, synergistic antibacterial activity and its mechanism" RSc Advances 2012, 2, 930-940
04. H N Vasan, Somnath Ghosh, S. L. Hoti "Ag@AgI, Core@Shell structure in agarose matrix as hybrid: Synthesis, Characterization and Antimicrobial Activity" Langmuir 2012, 28, 8550.
03. B E Wajeeha Sultana, Somnath Ghosh, B. Eraiah "Zinc Oxide Modified Au Electrode as Sensor for an Efficient Detection of Hydrazine" Electroanalysis 2012, 24, 1869.
02. Somnath Ghosh, T K Ranebennur, H N Vasan "Study of antibacterial efficacy of hybrid chitosan-silver nanoparticles for prevention of specific biofilm and water purification" Int. J. of Carbohydrate Chemistry 2011, Article ID 693759
Research Projects
H2 generation from Sea Water through Flue Gas Desalination (GH2-FGSW DeSal Plant)- Development, Design and Setup of 1 TPD Plant at Simhadri STPS Role: Principal Investigator, Funding Agency: NTPC, Duration: 6 Yrs (2023-2028)
Development of Carbon Nanotube (CNT) from Carbon dioxide (CO2): Synthetic Design and Optimization, Role: Principal Investigator, Funding Agency: IIPE (IRG), Duration: 3 Yrs (2021-2024)
Biomimetic Mussel-Inspired Injectable Adhesive Hydrogels for Soft Tissue Reconstruction, Funding Agency: DBT, Role: Co-Principal Investigator
Awards & Honors
AIR: 126 in IIT-JAM, 2005
AIR: 166 in GATE (Chemical Science), 2007
Qualified CSIR-NET, 2007
CNRS Lafics Fellowship, ICMCB, Bordeaux, France
Administrative Responsibilities:
Jul'2018 - Jan' 2021 Professor-in-Charge, Exam Cell, IIPE Visakhapatnam
Dec'2020 - Mar'2022 Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs, IIPE Visakhapatnam
- Mar'2022 - Till date Department In-Charge, H&S, IIPE Visakhapatnam
Invited Lecture
2011 International Conference on Bio-material, Euro Bio-Mat 2011, Jena, Germany
3rd International Conference on Material Science & Engineering, Materials-2022, Boston, USA
5th International Conference on Soft Materials, ICSM-2022, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
GITAM Chemistry Research Conference, GCRC-2023, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India