Venkata Reddy P
Associate Professor , Department of Chemical Engineering
Research Interest:
Process Systems Engineering, Water Distribution Networks, Cyber Physical Systems, Security of Critical Infrastructures, Machine Learning applications in Process Design, Fault detection and isolation.
Email : venkat_palleti.che@iipe.ac.in
Phone number(O):0891-2856045
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=_Ycr7vkAAAAJ&hl=en
Teaching Interests
- Computer Aided Process Engineering
- Chemical Reaction Engineering-I
- Intro to Chemical Engineering
- Chemical Process Calculations
Chemical Reaction Engineering-II
- Reaction Engineering Laboratory
- Instrumentation and Process Control Lab
2012- 2016 PhD- IIT Madras
Professional Experience
2024 March- Present : Associate Professor - Indian Institute of Petroleum and Energy Visakhapatnam
2019 October- 2024 March : Assistant Professor - Indian Institute of Petroleum and Energy Visakhapatnam
2017 January- 2019 September : Research Fellow - Singapore University of Technology and Design
2016 September- 2016 December: Research Assistant - Singapore University of Technology and Design
Journal Publications
- Palleti V.R , "Optimal Sensor Placement for Contamination Detection and Identification in Water Distribution Networks Under Demand Uncertainty " Computers and Chemical Engineering, 194, 109003 (2025)
- Maiti R Ranjan, Yoong, C.H., Palleti, V.R., Arlindo Silva.,C.M. Poskitt."Mitigating Adverserial Attacks on data Driven Invariant Checkers for Cyber Physical Systems" 1 - 14, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing ,(2022).
- Chuadhry MujeebAhmed, Venkata ReddyPalleti, Vishrut KumarMishra , "A practical physical watermarking approach to detect replay attacks in a CPS", Journal of Process Control , 116, 136-146, (2022).
- Palleti, V., Adepu, S., Mishra, V.., Aditya Mathur., Cascading effects of cyber-attacks on interconnected critical infrastructure. Cybersecurity 4, 8 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s42400-021-00071-z
- Yoong, C.H., Palleti, V.R., Maiti, R.Ranjan., Arlindo Silva., C.M. Poskitt. Deriving invariant checkers for critical infrastructure using axiomatic design principles. Cybersecurity 4, 6 (2021).
- Sridhar Adepu, Venkata Reddy Palleti, Gyanendra Mishra and Aditya Mathur, In-vestigation of Cyber Attacks on a Water Distribution System, 2nd international Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Internet-of-ThingsSecurity (AIoTS).
- V. R. Palleti, Vishrut Kumar Mishra, Mujeeb Choudhary, and Aditya Mathur, Can Replay Attacks to Steal Water from Water Distribution Systems Remain Undetected?, ACM transactions on Cyber Physical Systems-ACM TCPS, 5 (1), 1-19, 2020.
- Casper de Winter, V. R. Palleti, Daniel, Robert Kooij, Optimal Placement of Imperfect Water Quality Sensors in Water Distribution Networks, Computers and Chemical Engineering Journal 121(2019), 200-211.
- Vishrut Kumar Mishra, V. R. Palleti and Aditya Mathur, A Modeling Framework for Critical Infrastructure and its Application in Detecting Cyber-Attacks on a Water Distribution System, International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, 26(2019),100298.
- Casper de Winter, Palleti V. R, Daniel, Robert Kooij, Measuring Imperfectness of sensors in Water Distribution Networks in Measurement Science and Technology Journal, 30(2019),095101.
- V. R. Palleti, Varghese Kurian, S. Narasimhan and R. Rengasamy, Actuator Network Design to Mitigate Contamination Effects in Water Distribution Networks, Computers & Chemical Engineering Journal 108 (2018),194-205.
- V. R. Palleti, Tan Tu Chong, Lakshminarayanan Samavedham, A Mechanistic Fault Detection and Isolation Approach Using Kalman Filter to Improve the Security of Cyber Physical Systems, Journal of Process Control 68 (2018),160-170.
- V. R. Palleti, Jude Victor, Arlindo Silva, A Contribution of Axiomatic Design Principles to the Analysis and Impact of Attacks on Critical Infrastructures, International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection 23 (2018),21-32.
- V. R. Palleti, S. Narasimhan, R. Rengasamy, Raviteja and B. S. Murthy, Sensor Network Design for Contaminant Detection and Identification in Water Distribution Networks, Computers & Chemical Engineering journal, 87 (2016) 246-256.
Conference Publications
Peer-reviewed Publications:
- Cheah Huei Yoong, Venkata Reddy Palleti, Arlindo Silva, and Christopher M.Poskitt, Towards Systematically Deriving Defence Mechanisms from Functional Requirements of Cyber-Physical Systems, Pages 11–22 , CPSS’20, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Sridhar Adepu, Venkata Reddy Palleti, Gyanendra Mishra and Aditya Mathur,Investigation of Cyber Attacks on a Water Distribution System, Applied Cryp-tography and Network Security Workshops, Springer International Publishing(2020), 274-291, Rome Italy 2020 .
- Pouranas Evangelos, Riccardo Taormina, Manish Thapa, Stefano, Galellio,Venkata Reddy Palleti and Rober Kooij,Self-healing against Cascading Failuresin Power-to-Power-to-Water Interdependent Networks, March 2020, pp 16–20, ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation, New York, USA.
- Cheng Feng, Palleti V. R, Deeph Chana and Aditya Mathur,A SystematicFramework to Generate Invariants for Anomaly Detection in Industrial Control Systems” The Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS),24-27 February 2019, San Diego, CA. (Tier-I conference in computer security: https://people.engr.tamu.edu/guofei/sec_conf_stat.htm)
- Mujeeb, Palleti V. R, Aditya Mathur,WADI: A Water Distribution Testbed for Research in the Design of Secure Cyber Physical Systems in the proceedings of 3rdInternational workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems for Smart Water Networks, Pittsburgh, USA, 25-28, April 2017.
- V. R. Palleti, S. Narasimhan and R. Rengasamy,Optimal Sensor Placement for Contamination Detection and Identification in Water Distribution Networks, in the proceedings of ESCAPE-24, Budapest, 1447-1452, June 2014.
- V. R. Palleti, S. Narasimhan and R. Rengasamy, Sensor Network Design for early Intrusion Detection and Identification in Water Distribution Networks,in the proceedings of2ndIndian Control Conference (ICC), 134-139, IITHyderabad 2016 .
- V. R. Palleti, S. Narasimhan and R. Rengasamy,Exploiting Sensor Response Times to Design Sensor Networks for Monitoring Water Distribution Networks”in the proceedings of4thAdvances in Control and Optimization of Dynamical Systems (ACODS), 492-497, NIT Tiruchirapally, 2016 .
- V. R. Palleti, S. Narasimhan and R. Rengasamy, “Sensor Network Design for Water Distribution Networks under Variable Demand Patterns”, 10th AOTULE-Conference, Singapore, November 1-3, 2015.
Sheik Abdul, Venkata Reddy "Adversarial Machine Learning Models for Anomaly Detectors in Process Systems" ChemEEE 2024 at IIPE Visakhapatnam from 19-21 February 2024.
Research Projects
- PI of the project "Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Techniques for prediction, maintenance and optimization of Renewable Energy (RE) systems", funded by Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited, 30.37 lakhs (Approved for funding)
- PI of the Project "Adversarial Machine Learning for Anomaly Detectors in Process Systems: A Case Study on Tennessee Eastman Process Dataset" 6.6 lakhs Funded by SERB, 2024-2027
- PI of the Project titled"A Testbed for Interconnected Critical Infrastructure- Water Distribution System and Power Supply " Funded by IIPE under Institute research grant, 28 Lkahs, 2022-2025.
- Co-Investigator of the project "A two-track approach to CPS Reconnaissance: causal-graphs and axiomatic design" , Funded by National Research Foundation (NRF)- Singapore,2019-2021. (445K SGD, PI: Prof. Arlindo Silva)
- Co-PI of the project "Machine learning methods for water quality estimation and control in water resource recovery facilities Towards Circular Economy and Sustainability", DST Funding under India – Canada joint call, Rs. 34.44 Lakhs, 2023 - 2025
Consultancy Projects
Consultant for data science-related activities for GITAA Pvt Ltd. for the period from June 8th, 2022 to March 31st, 2024.
Awards & Honors
- Best Faculty award for the year 2023 at IIPE
- Technical Program Committee member for second International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Internet-of-Things Security . (AIoTS-2020, Italy)
- Technical Program Committee member for third International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Internet-of-Things Security . (AIoTS-2021, Japan) Technical Program Committee
TPC members for mini-workshop on "Impact of IT/OT Convergence on the Resilience of Critical Infrastructures, 22th Networking 2023 Conference (NETWORKING 2023), Barcelona, Spain, June 12-15, 2023
Technical Program Committee member for 3rd International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Internet-of-Things Security (AIoTS) held at Kyoto, JAPAN (June 19-22, 2023)
- Technical committee member for the First International Conference on the Design of Cyber-Secure Water Plants (DCS-Water’24) in Buford, Georgia, USA, during April 23-24, 2024.
- Program Committee member for DoCEIS 2025 - Advanced Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical, and Industrial Systems , Caparica (Lisbon), Portugal, 2-4 July 2025.
Phd Students:
MS Student Thesis Supervision:
Casper de Winter ( Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands)- Co-supervised MS Thesis titled "MS Thesis title: Robust Placement of Water Quality Sensors in Water Distribution Networks" in 2017.
Current PhD Students:
- Chaitanya Babu Boddu
- Chanakya Dharmana
N Prasad Babu
Akhil Arava
Divya P
Sagar Gali
Murali Mohan V
Invited Lecture
1. Expert speaker in the short term course "Recent trends in cyber security and energy management" organized by EEE department at NIT-Puducherry on Oct 12-15th 2022.
2. Special lecture on "Biochemical Reaction Engineering" in Bio-Technology department at GITAM-Visakhapatnam, September 14 2021.
Certificate Course:
- Conducted a certificate course on "Machine Learning Fundamentals and Applications" from 23/09/2023 to 13/01/2024.
Reviewer for the journals: Journal of Water Resources Management and Planning, IEEE Access,
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security , Reliability engineering and system Safety