

1-2, February 2024

Instructions for Abstarct Submission

Authors are invited to submit their abstract, written in English, as per the instructions given below.

  •  Signup on our portal
  •  Logon onto “Abstract Submission Portal”
  •  If you wish to submit an abstract, please follow the sequence. Step-1: Submit your abstract. Step-2: Registration.
  •  If you would like to attend the confernece as an attendee, you can directly register on our portal as "Attendee".
  •  Enter the following details in the Abstract Submission Form
    •  Choose Theme Area
    •  Enter your “Paper Title”
    •  Enter the “Number of Authors”
    •  Enter the details of each author (Author Name, Author Affiliation: Designation; Department; Name of the Institute; Email)
    •  Type or paste your abstract and justify your text. Please note that your abstract should not exceed 450 words.
  •  Upload the formatted Abstract File (PDF only- and size<=2MB)
  • Please contact Mr. Somesh (+91 9951094578) if you face any difficulties during the registration process.